This coming week, I have scheduled three of five doctor appointments plus taking the truck in Wednesday afternoon for maintenance. My doctor’s week begins Tuesday with a dental appointment at 1045, a Supply Delivery and heart follow-up at 11:30 on Wednesday, a meeting with my financial advisor on Thursday, and a meeting with my dialysis team on Friday at 0845. We meet with our financial advisor every quarter via video conference, and once a year around my birthday in person where our lunches are on the advisor, in theory at least.
I dropped in our new mechanic’s place this past Saturday and checked it out. Mostly new equipment with lots of experience so I could find a goto place for our auto needs. Up to now, I have accomplished all of the required maintenance by myself but at 86 I’m ready to have a professional take over AND I want something and/or someone in place to take care of this aspect of living in my demise.
This morning coming off the cycler I reminisced to my wife about the music I listened to as a youth. In 1953, as a lad of 13, R&B was just starting to hit the airways. In Springfield, Ohio where I grew up, there was a Friday night dance named El Sombrero held at the YWCA that was free and very well attended. Songs that became mainstays of the R&B movement we often previewed there. The local Catholic Churches on occasion sponsored dances and often brought in aspiring young groups that when on to fame and fortune. It was a great time to be young and growing up. One of the first songs I recall. was “Shake A Hank” by Faye Adams. It was subsequently recorded by many artists but, IMHO, none matched the original. I’ve embedded it below for your entertainment;