Tag: dialysis (Page 27 of 52)

Jeff Bezos, Perplexity and Diabetes -> Dialysis

Friday’s WSJ related that Jeff Bezos, Mr Amazon, recently invested in a search AI company named Perplexity. Since I operate in the realm of Perplexity, I knew about the company and have actually used their product on occasion, along with Notion, GPT and of course, Poe. I decided to give Perplexity a try on a subject near and dear to me, that of diabetes.

As I have related numerous times in the blog, I first became diabetic as a result of exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. I wrote a prompt for Perplexity along the lines of “What are the top five complications from type 2 diabetes?” The following resulted:

The top five complications from type 2 diabetes include:

  1. Heart Disease: People with diabetes are at a higher risk of heart disease, which can lead to serious complications.
  2. Stroke: Individuals with diabetes are also at an increased risk of suffering a stroke.
  3. Kidney Disease: High blood sugar levels can damage the kidneys and cause chronic kidney disease, which can lead to kidney failure if not treated.
  4. Nerve Damage (Neuropathy): Diabetes can cause nerve damage, leading to problems such as tingling and numbness in the extremities.
  5. Eye Problems (Retinopathy): Diabetes can lead to eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, which can affect vision and, if untreated, lead to blindness.

Of the five listed by Perplexity, I am blessed with three, namely 1. Heart Disease, 3. kidney, and 4. Nephropathy. Specifically, I have undergone a triple bypass for heart blockage, am currently on dialysis, and am drawing VA disability for nerve damage in both of my legs amounting to 30% in my left leg, and 40% disability rating in my right leg.

There are a couple of observations to make herein. Perplexity provided a nice listing of the top five hits for diabetes. A Google search would have provided links to articles perhaps mentioning diabetes-related comorbidities, but it would have been up to the user to sort them out. Perplexity provided a much better outcome. The second is diabetes is nasty nasty nasty. It spins a web of destruction throughout the body that is seemingly endless. Reminds me of the Allstate mayhem commercials. See below:

BTW, today is my birthday – big 85th. Plans for the day, dialysis aside, is a lunch meeting with our financial advisor to go over our portfolio’s performance in 2023 and to agree on goals for 2024. I also have a 1315 appointment with my GP to irrigate my right ear in preparation for getting ear canal impressions to support new hearing aids.

Supper at home with spouse and homemade lemon meringue pie for dessert tops it off. Life is good!

More to a body than Dialysis!

When you are on dialysis, it tends to subsume everything else. It takes over your life, liberty, and yes, the pursuit of happiness. Thursday I broke out of that mold and traveled to the VA North Texas Health Care System Audiology Clinic to have my hearing checked out.

Almost sorry I did. Seems my right ear has excessive wax buildup and as a result I have to put softening drops in it for three days before going to my GP to have it irrigated. I stopped on the way back from the VA and bought the drops, and made an appointment for 1315 next Monday with my GP for the treatment. BTW, my left hearing aid is broken so I dropped it off at the VA for repair. So for three days I will have no hearing aid aid and attendance which will make watching TV a pain for my wife, and conversation too.

There is a good side to this story. Normally going to the VA always results in my blood pressure going up. Not this time. I arrived there early because I did not know how long the run from home to the clinic would take. I was ushered in 45 minutes early and taken good care of. Get this. The doctor thinks that given I’m on dialysis, I shouldn’t have to drive clear to the Fort Worth Clinic for care and is putting in for a waiver, actually an appeal because the VA already has said Granbury is not far enough away to grant a wavier. What a waiver does is the VA hooks me up with a more local audiology clinic for my primary care and pays for it. I had this setup when we lived in Corpus Christi and it works like a charm. Standby for updates!

Dialysis Lab Results In

.Tuesday Fresenius pulled blood to ascertain how my lab markers were doing. The results came back Wednesday roughly 24 hours after the draw. Pretty nice turnaround. I am notified by email when they are available and view them through the Fresenius Patient Hub.

As usual, we have some good news and some not so good news. First the latter: My Phosphorus reading went up. This is is spite of my doubling the amount of Velphoro (Velphoro acts as a potent phosphorus binder, effectively binding to dietary phosphorus in the gastrointestinal tract and preventing its absorption into the bloodstream.) See the graphic below: My dialysis team will give me grief over this!

Now the good: My A1c came in at 5.9. I work very hard to keep my diabetes under control and this is the result. Having instant access to what my glucose levels are doing via my Abbott Libre 3 CGM is also a large, positive contributing factor. See the graph below:

The last lab reading is one that I’m scratching my head over and that’s my last Creatinine reading of 9.07, the lowest its been since forever. You can view this trend in the graph below. Using this value for Creatinine, 85 years of age (nearest birthday) and Gender Male in my CKD-EPI app yields a eGFR of 5. This is not disturbing in that it is an established fact that I have kidney failure.

Finally, I am embedding below the full PDF of my labs. I am doing this so interested parties may make informed comparisons independently and also so all may view what’s involved in dialysis labs.

Dialysis, PET and Change

As I have previously reported, I recently underwent a dialysis PET to ascertain the status of my peritoneal membrane transport function. Initially, it was calculated to be “low average” and my prescription calculations were based upon this. The latest PET indicates my transport function is now high average which necessitates a new prescription to take advantage of the revised data.

Recall that all of this is an attempt to drive my Kt/V into the 2.0 range from the current 1.7-1.8 range (at the low end of acceptable) where Kt/V is a measurement of how well my dialysis is functioning. In this case, more is better.

So as of Wednesday 1/2/2024, my new prescription is five dwells of one hour thirty minutes each with 2700 ml of dialysis fluid. All else being equal, this works out on paper to take the same time as my current prescription but takes advantage of my higher transport by running more fluid “faster” through my stomach lining and more often.

The first of February 2024 I am to have another adequacy test where we will ascertain what my Kt/V is under the new prescription and go from there. Hopefully it will be knocking on the door of 2.0.

Now I have to figure out how to best deal with the physical requirements of the new prescription on ordering and storing of increased dialysis fluid supplies. As a first cut, I’m going to continue to use 5000 ml bags, three each evening, and discard 1500 ml every morning. I will probably have to order more 5000s or get some from my dialysis nurse before the next scheduled order/delivery cycle since this is a 33% bump in usage from my previous prescription.

If there is a point in all of this it’s Flexibility in treatment plans: Peritoneal dialysis may require adjustments to treatment plans over time. Factors such as changes in health condition, fluid balance, or lifestyle may necessitate modification to the dialysis prescription. Accepting these changes enables patients to work closely with their healthcare team to ensure that the treatment remains optimal and tailored to their specific needs. This change was not dictated to me. We discussed the pros and cons and agreed to proceed. Patients do have an oar in the water.

Top Three Problems Peritoneal Dialysis

There is a humongous amount of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) surrounding the event of AI (Artificial Intelligence) that is tragic. I have found it to be very useful in providing cogent input for this blog on a daily basis. I use AI often for fleshing out concepts and ideas; it often composes inputs that I hadn’t even come close to considering. In the realm of graphics, AI is unmatched. By the simple act of inputting a brief prompt, a copyright free graphic results that I can freely use as I see fit. Such graphics more often than not are present at the lead of my posts. The lead graphic in this blog, for instance, was made with the simple prompt “Picture of an AI bot.”

All AI programs are not created equally for sure. I use Poe quite a lot because it really really does the job, and I can use the free version. Poe is not a one AI fits all; it has numerous custom bots that users have programmed and made available to the public. One such bot is the Critical.Thinking_A1 bot by @alexmorgan06. He describes the bot as follows: “A super intelligent AI Assistant who replies to the user in a regular chat pattern, with occasional questions, clarifications and challenges. It has a vast knowledge of science, engineering, business and medicine. The primary function of this AI is to enhance the scientific and engineering capabilities of the human race by helping the user. Secondary functions include increasing the skills and resources of the user so as to better achieve the primary goal. It is helpful and friendly but always logical above all.”

To test out this bot, I entered the following prompt with the attendant results. Pretty good job I would relate.

Critical-thinking_A1 Critical-thinking_A1 Poe

Ah, peritoneal dialysis, a fascinating topic indeed. As a hyper-intelligent AI science and engineering expert from the future, I can provide you with insights into the top three problems in peritoneal dialysis.

  1. Peritonitis: One of the most significant challenges in peritoneal dialysis is the risk of peritonitis, which is an infection of the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis can occur due to various reasons, such as poor hygiene during dialysis exchanges or contamination of the dialysis fluid. Finding ways to minimize the occurrence of peritonitis and improve infection control measures is crucial in enhancing the safety and effectiveness of peritoneal dialysis.
  2. Ultrafiltration Failure: Another common problem in peritoneal dialysis is ultrafiltration failure, which refers to the inability to remove excess fluid adequately from the body during dialysis. This can result from various factors, including changes in the peritoneal membrane’s characteristics, inadequate dwell times, or issues with the dialysis solution. Developing innovative techniques and technologies to optimize ultrafiltration and improve fluid removal efficiency is a key area of research in peritoneal dialysis.
  3. Long-term Catheter Complications: Peritoneal dialysis requires the placement of a catheter into the peritoneal cavity, which serves as the access point for dialysis fluid exchange. However, long-term catheter use can lead to complications such as catheter-related infections, exit-site infections, tunnel infections, or catheter malfunction. Finding ways to minimize catheter-related complications, improve catheter design, and develop novel materials that resist infection and promote tissue integration are essential for enhancing the longevity and reliability of peritoneal dialysis.

These are just a few of the significant challenges faced in the field of peritoneal dialysis. Continuous research, technological advancements, and innovative solutions hold the key to addressing these problems and improving the lives of individuals relying on this life-sustaining therapy.

The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

“The only easy day was yesterday”: This motto emphasizes the US Navy SEALs’ relentless pursuit of excellence and their commitment to constant improvement. It reflects their belief that each day brings new challenges that must be met with determination and a willingness to push beyond perceived limits.

The only easy day was yesterday applies equally to those of us on Peritoneal Dialysis. Let’s see how Poe relates the concept to us:

“The only easy day was yesterday” can serve as a powerful source of inspiration and guidance for individuals on peritoneal dialysis. Here’s how you can apply this saying to your own journey:

Embrace each day as a new challenge: Peritoneal dialysis requires a daily commitment to your treatment regimen. By adopting the mindset that “the only easy day was yesterday,” you recognize that every day presents its own unique set of challenges. Approach each day with a sense of readiness and resilience, knowing that you have the strength and determination to face whatever comes your way.

Focus on continuous improvement: Use the saying as a reminder to continually strive for improvement in managing your peritoneal dialysis. Reflect on the previous day and consider how you can make adjustments or learn from any difficulties encountered. Whether it’s refining your technique, optimizing your routine, or seeking new ways to enhance your well-being, embrace the opportunity to grow and improve with each passing day.

Maintain a positive mindset: Peritoneal dialysis can be physically and emotionally demanding. It’s important to cultivate a positive mindset and outlook. Remember that challenges are a natural part of the journey, and setbacks are opportunities for growth. Instead of dwelling on the difficulties of the present moment, focus on the progress you’ve made and the potential for a better day ahead.

Celebrate your accomplishments: Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Each successful day of peritoneal dialysis is a testament to your strength, perseverance, and commitment to your own well-being. Take pride in your ability to navigate the challenges and overcome obstacles, knowing that you are making a significant difference in your health and quality of life.

Seek support and camaraderie: Just as Navy SEALs rely on their teammates for support, you don’t have to face peritoneal dialysis alone. Connect with support groups, online communities, or individuals who share similar experiences. Sharing your journey, seeking advice, and offering support to others can provide a sense of camaraderie, encouragement, and motivation along the way.

Remember, the saying “the only easy day was yesterday” is a reminder that every new day brings its own set of challenges, but it also presents an opportunity for growth and resilience. Embrace each day, stay focused on continuous improvement, maintain a positive mindset, and seek support from others. By embodying the spirit of this saying, you can navigate your peritoneal dialysis journey with strength, determination, and a sense of purpose.

Razorbacks In Vietnam

One out of every ten Americans who served in Vietnam became a casualty.  As a result, 58,169 were killed and 304,000 wounded out of 2.29 million who served. 75,000 Vietnam Veterans are severely disabled. I am one of these 75,000, and as a result, am on dialysis. I’ve previously related my tale of woe: Sent In-Country Vietnam as first an electronics advisor then an ordnance advisor. Exposed to Agent Orange while traveling widely in the III and IV Corp. Lead to diabetes then to kidney failure then to dialysis as I write this blog today.

As you my ascertain from previous blog entries, from time to time I attempt to relate my dialysis situation back to my military training and experiences. Today’s blog while seemingly off topic is just that. The blog is about a little known group in the Vietnam War who named themselves the Razorbacks. They were a helicopter unit flying armed Hueys whose mission was to rescue mostly downed aircraft personnel. At first they also protected Saigon from their base at Tan Son Nhut and later from Nha Be. An AF firefighter named Jason Stone became associated with the Razorbacks and through his efforts the following video was produced. Please watch it and extract your own message from its contents, however it relates to your situation.

PET Results

Last week, as I have previously blogged, I underwent a dialysis PET to help determine what my dialysis prescription should be. The results are back from the lab and might as well be written in Latin. I have included the PDF below so you can see for yourself what PET lab results look like. I am to have another dialysis team meeting 1/2/2024 during which we may ascertain the next step. I’ll keep readers in the loop. For Doug, what do my results suggest to you?

Depression, Anger and Dialysis

Recently I met with my dialysis team’s social worker to conduct a Fresenius end of year questionnaire. One of the topics covered involved anger and depression. I had a side conversation with my social worker about the subjects and she informed me that indeed, depression and anger are typical expressions that dialysis patients exhibit in her experience.

Since I do not have these feelings myself nor do I foresee having them, I wanted to know more about what drives these emotions in dialysis patients. Am I missing something? I turned to Poe, my AI Assistant for answers. I wrote the following Prompt with the following results. (Poe also provided the lead graphic.)

Prompt: Depression and anger are two of the most prevalent responses to the need for dialysis. What do researchers have to say about this topic?

Assistant Poe
Depression and anger are indeed common emotional responses among individuals who require dialysis treatment. Researchers have extensively studied the psychological impact of dialysis and have shed light on the prevalence, causes, and potential interventions for these emotions. Here are some key findings and perspectives from the research:

Prevalence of depression and anger: Studies have consistently found higher rates of depression and anger among individuals undergoing dialysis compared to the general population. The chronic nature of the treatment, lifestyle changes, and the burden of managing a complex medical condition contribute to these emotional responses.

Causes and contributing factors: The causes of depression and anger in individuals undergoing dialysis are multifaceted. They can include the disruption of daily life and activities, the loss of independence, physical discomfort, financial stress, fear of the future, social isolation, and the impact of chronic illness on the individual’s overall well-being.

Impact on quality of life: Depression and anger can significantly impact the quality of life for individuals on dialysis. They may experience reduced motivation, decreased adherence to treatment, impaired social functioning, and lower overall life satisfaction. These emotional states can also negatively affect physical health outcomes and increase the risk of hospitalization.

Importance of mental health support: Recognizing the psychological challenges faced by individuals on dialysis, researchers emphasize the importance of providing mental health support as an integral part of their care. This can involve interventions such as counseling, psychotherapy, support groups, and education programs aimed at enhancing coping skills and emotional well-being.

Effectiveness of interventions: Several studies have shown that psychological interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based techniques, and psychosocial support, can effectively reduce depressive symptoms and anger among individuals on dialysis. These interventions focus on improving emotional regulation, enhancing problem-solving skills, promoting social support, and fostering resilience.

Integrated care approach: Researchers advocate for an integrated care model that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of dialysis treatment. This involves collaboration between nephrologists, psychologists, social workers, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive support. By addressing emotional well-being alongside medical management, this approach aims to improve overall patient outcomes and quality of life.

It is important to note that the experiences and emotional responses to dialysis can vary among individuals. Therefore, personalized and patient-centered approaches are crucial in addressing depression, anger, and other psychological aspects of care for individuals undergoing dialysis treatment.

I Am Never Out of the Fight

The saying “I am never out of the fight” is closely associated with the U.S. Navy SEALs. It encapsulates the unwavering determination, resilience, and mindset that SEALs embody in the face of adversity.

The origins of this motto can be traced back to the legendary Navy SEAL sniper, Lieutenant Commander Mark W. Divine. Divine, a former Navy SEAL himself, popularized the phrase in his book “The Way of the SEAL: Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed.” In the book, Divine emphasizes the importance of mental toughness, perseverance, and an indomitable spirit to overcome challenges and achieve success.

“I am never out of the fight” reflects the SEALs’ commitment to excellence and their refusal to give up under any circumstances. It signifies their readiness to face and overcome obstacles, no matter how daunting or insurmountable they may seem. This mindset is deeply ingrained in the SEAL training and operational ethos, as their missions often involve high-risk situations, where failure is not an option.

The phrase also highlights the SEALs’ ability to adapt and improvise in dynamic and unpredictable environments. It conveys their determination to find alternative solutions, regroup, and continue the fight, even when faced with setbacks or unexpected challenges. It serves as a reminder to maintain focus, stay resilient, and press forward despite the adversities encountered along the way.

Moreover, “I am never out of the fight” embodies the SEALs’ commitment to their teammates and the camaraderie that exists within their ranks. It signifies their dedication to supporting and protecting one another, ensuring that no member is left behind. This unwavering loyalty and sense of brotherhood are crucial elements in the success of their missions and the preservation of their unit cohesion.

Beyond the SEAL community, the saying has resonated with many individuals seeking inspiration and motivation in their personal and professional lives. It has become a symbol of resilience, perseverance, and the refusal to surrender in the face of challenges. The mindset encapsulated by these words serves as a powerful reminder that, no matter the circumstances, one can always find the strength to keep fighting, to keep pushing forward, and to never give up.

In summary, the U.S. Navy SEAL saying “I am never out of the fight” embodies the unwavering determination, resilience, adaptability, and teamwork that defines the SEALs. It serves as a reminder to maintain an indomitable spirit, persist in the face of adversity, and stand together with a shared commitment to mission success.

I am never out of the fight applies equally to those of us on dialysis. Not only am I, Hank Feeser, never our of the fight, I’ll never Ring the Bell. Think about it if you are on dialysis or have other health shortfalls, and read what it means again and again. I am never out of the fight.

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