Those employing the Fresenius Liberty Cycler to support their daily home peritoneal dialysis, know that when coming off dialysis in the morning, one of the last Cycler screens requests input of a host of biometric data including weight, blood pressure, pulse, type of dextrose used, last bag type, glucose, etc. On the PatientHub app (I use an Android-based Samsung  S20+5G) you are required to input a bunch more data including if you entered your vital signs in the Liberty Cycler, solution information, any manual exchanges, etc. Lots of data.

My first observation is that given that I have been faithfully supplying requested data since starting dialysis on 9/30/2022, not one entity or person from my PD team or anywhere else has ever commented on the same. Not one.

We had a philosophy in the Navy that in the face of too many reporting requirements from desk jockeys, just stop sending them and see if anyone squawks. No squawks, no report, that simple. Perhaps that approach should be used here.

My second observation involved the PatientHub App’s “Features” not being implemented in a meaningful way. When you dig down from the login screen to the landing screen, there is a tab in the upper right corner named “Menu.” A menu choice is “Vital Graphs.” One would assume that some if not all of the data being input across the Fresenius Dialysis spectrum would be graphically presented herein. Such is not the case. For me, only my dry weight is listed which is not of much help in viewing data trends graphically.

I submitted a report to the Fresenius App keeper and received the response below a day later. It is the last graphic below.

From the response, it is clear that the most obvious integration of reporting systems is totally lacking, and apparently not a priority either. This further begs the issue of where all this data is going, who is viewing it, and to what end. I want to know and will be pursuing this “issue” further with Fresenius personnel. Standby. Out. (Screenshots of the App are below:)

Signon Screen
Menu Screen
My Vitals Graph
Query Response from Fresenius