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Relationship and importance of eGFR as relates to creatinine and Dialysis Decisions

My eGFR is currently bouncing between 8 and 9. How did I get here is a long story that started over sixty years ago when I was on the Rivers in Vietnam and subjected to Agent Orange. I started with Type II diabetes alone which lasted about ten years. Then my eGFR reached the low sixties, and I was sent to a Urologist who stated I would die of something other than Kidney Failure. This was in the early nineties. Progressively, but slowly, my eGFR coasted slowly downward. At no time would my diabetes be considered anything but “under control.” However, my meds changed and or increased over time to keep this control. At one point I was taking 2500 mg of Metformin, 1000 morning and night, and 500 at lunch. As a result of our moving to Corpus Christi, TX from Central Indiana I started with a new nephrologist who noted my eGFR was in the 30 range and immediately took me off of Metformin. This took place in about 2015 in the same time frame that I had a triple bypass. Absent Metformin, I started taking Lantus Insulin and have bounced around from 8 to 12 units ever since taking one injection in the evening before bed. In August my eGFR cratered in the 5-6 range, and I started on Dialysis, first hemo (it really sucks to the nth degree) then switched over to Peritoneal Dialysis as soon as possible.

Below is a graphical representation of eGFR versus Creatinine with the variable age shown as a family of curves obtained from this link:

As a result of this journey, I because very interested and sensitive to this measurement named eGFR which both my previous and current nephrologist seemed to deem as the Gold Standard in kidney functioning. Just like my GPs throughout my diabetic history have held A1C to be the standard checkpoint for diabetic control. As an engineer, I’ve always wondered why someone hasn’t displayed the relationship between creatinine and other variables in the equation that calculates eGFR. Keep in mind the “e” in eGFR stands for “estimated.

” While several government entities I have dealt with demanded/required that eGFR be calculated by an MD, some apps and websites do so painlessly. It is an exercise for the reader to sort these out for themselves. Referring to the graph above, I am currently 84, with a Creatinine value consistently in the over 6 range. Transferring these values to the graph results in an eGFR value along the 80 age curve to be in the 8 range. Easy-peasy.

For individuals interested in or currently on dialysis, it is crucial to understand the relationship between estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) and creatinine. The remainder of this blog will provide a comprehensive overview of these two critical measures, their interrelationship, and their importance for dialysis patients.

  1. eGFR: A Key Measure of Kidney Function

eGFR, or estimated glomerular filtration rate, is a calculation used to evaluate kidney function. It measures the rate at which the kidneys filter waste and excess fluids from the blood (in mL/min/1.73 m2). The calculation takes into account factors such as age, sex, race, and serum creatinine level. A lower eGFR indicates decreased kidney function, with levels below 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 considered kidney failure.

  1. Creatinine: A Waste Product Indicative of Kidney Function

Creatinine is a waste product generated through normal muscle metabolism. Healthy kidneys efficiently filter creatinine from the blood, excreting it in urine. Therefore, elevated blood creatinine levels can be indicative of reduced kidney function. Creatinine levels are typically measured in mg/dL; normal ranges vary depending on age, sex, and muscle mass.

  1. The Relationship Between eGFR and Creatinine

Creatinine levels and eGFR are inversely related. As creatinine levels increase, eGFR decreases, indicating reduced kidney function. Conversely, lower creatinine levels correspond to a higher eGFR and better kidney function. Monitoring eGFR and creatinine levels can provide valuable insights into kidney health and inform treatment decisions, including dialysis.

  1. Importance of eGFR and Creatinine for Dialysis Patients

For dialysis patients or those considering dialysis, understanding eGFR and creatinine levels is essential for several reasons:

A. Monitoring Kidney Function: Regularly tracking eGFR and creatinine can help assess the progression of kidney disease, allowing healthcare providers to adjust treatment plans accordingly.

B. Determining Dialysis Timing: eGFR and creatinine levels play a crucial role in determining when dialysis should be initiated. Generally, dialysis is considered when eGFR falls below 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or when symptoms of uremia (waste buildup in the blood) become evident.

C. Evaluating Dialysis Effectiveness: Dialysis aims to remove excess waste, including creatinine, from the blood. Comparing pre- and post-dialysis creatinine levels can help assess the effectiveness of dialysis sessions and identify the need for adjustments.

D. Adjusting Medications: Kidney function impacts drug metabolism and excretion. Monitoring eGFR and creatinine levels can help healthcare providers adjust medication dosages to ensure safety and efficacy for dialysis patients.


Understanding the relationship between eGFR and creatinine is crucial for individuals on or considering dialysis. Monitoring these measures helps assess kidney function, informs treatment decisions, and ensures the effectiveness of dialysis therapy. Regular communication with healthcare providers is vital in managing kidney disease and optimizing overall health for dialysis patients.

Is Fresenius (FMS) A Good Investment?

đź‘‹ A concept not followed through by many is to consider the long-term viability of any company they deal with. This is of particular interest to those of us who receive life-support in the form of Dialysis from a profit-seeking company such as Fresenius Medical (ticker FMS.) Because I have physical skin in the game, i.e., my continued good health and actual survival, on 1/20/2023, I purchased 500 shares of FMS at $18.27 per share, for a total investment of $18.27 x 500 = $9,135.00. Today, some three months plus later, this investment is trading at $21.21/share, for a total of $10,605.00 for a gain of $1,475.00 as it is trading and trending today. The stock has a 52-week high of $34.65 so it has lots of room to run.

Obviously, this is not an enticement for ANYONE reading this post to invest in FMS. I did, and this is the result. Tomorrow it could go South and your investment with it. However, MorningStar, Danelfin, and others are rating it as a buy.

One metric that I was taught to inspect when evaluating a company is its sales per employee. This is a metric that can easily be compared across companies competing in a given marketplace. For FMS, this metric is for 2022 – the most recent year for which data is available $155,200/employee, which is pretty good. Typically the oil industry had some of the highest sales/employee and restaurants have some of the lowest. Another metric to look at is sales/patient, which is $56,230. This should be compared with Davita and others competing in the same market place which is beyond the intent of this blog entry.

The bottom line for me is that it looks like FMS will be around for a while to take care of my needs, perhaps in a small way both financially and medically.

Fresenius Cycler Problems Night 2, Stay Sharp, and Widowhood Effects

Last night’s Cycler performance did not fail us; it did however fail. I received the same drain alarm on the cycle 1 drain as during the previous night’s usage. The above Cycler screenshot of detailed “My Records” shows cycle 0 had a drain as predicted yesterday. Going down the columns, All cycle fill volumes, as are the times, are reasonable. The dwell time, supposed to be 120 minutes/2 hrs, is inconsistent. Why was cycle 1 133 minutes? Regarding drains, note that the first three drains left fluid in my gut, thus the negative UF (Ultra Filtration, negative indicates fluid left it, positive taken out) readings. Note especially the last drain of 3178 taking 29 minutes. I was up and moving around during this drain, probably resulting in it being quite large and positive. Something is not right in Dialysisville.

From cited article

In a March 22, 2023 article in SciTechDaily linked here, there was an interesting research report titled “Stay Sharp: Healthy Lifestyle Linked to Slower Memory Decline in Older Adults”

The researchers found that each individual healthy behavior (healthy diet, regular exercise, active social contact, cognitive activity, non-smoking, and never drinking alcohol) was associated with a slower-than-average decline in memory over ten years after accounting for other health, economic, and social factors. A healthy diet, cognitive activity, and physical exercise strongly affected slowing memory decline.

Since cognitive impairment is of central concern to dialysis patients, the research strongly suggests eating right, using your brain, and doing physical exercise. However, we all know this, right? Getting it done is another matter.

Picture from TIME article below.

The second research article I recently read has to do with the Widowhood Effect. With the widowhood effect, older adults grieving a spouse’s death have an increased mortality risk compared to those whose spouses are living. This effect has even been documented by researchers. A 2013 study that appeared in the Journal of Public Health showed that people had a 66% higher risk of dying within the first 90 days of losing their spouse. This discovery held true for both men and women.

An article on March 22, 2023, in Time BY HALEY WEISS titled “Losing a Spouse Makes Men 70% More Likely to Die Within a Year,” found that Gender and Age were two of the most influential risk factors for the widowhood effect. So if you are on Dialysis and want to beat the odds of dying within 4.5 years of going on the treatment, take good care of your spouse else you are a dead duck.

By the way, our goose is still in her nest in one of our gutters. Many people are interested in her activities up and down our street.

More Fresenius Cycler Alarms + CGM update #2 + VA

Data from last night’s Cycler performance – screenshot

Recall from yesterday’s blog that Fresenius Tech Support recommended turning off alarms to solve my cycler throwing alarms consistently during most night’s cycler use. With alarms off, last night on drain one I received another alarm, this one with the Stop Button flashing and a warning not to stop the patient’s drain or something like that. I was 3/4 asleep on my feet. After pressing the OK button, and staying on my feet upright, the drain proceeded until about 1700 mL had been drained, at which point I got back in bed.

Referring to the screenshot at the blog top, fill times are pretty much right on the 10-minute spec. Dwell times, except the last one, are NOT on the 120-minute spec. Drain volumes are all over the place – disregard the Cycle 0 327 drain, that was left over from yesterday’s cycle. So we have drains of 1944, 1516, 1965, and 2217. Drain time of 36, 17, 25, and 20 where only the last meets spec of 20. Disregarding the 327 Cycle 0, we had UF (fluid left in gut) of -57, -485, -37, and + 292, for a net of -287mL. This is over a cup (236.6 mL) of fluid left. I expect when I hook up to the cycler tonight that drain 0, that is upon startup, there will be a drain of at least this amount.

Add to the above that my weight was up another pound to 154 this morning leads me to the conclusion that all is not right in my Fresenius-lead treatment at this point. I have passed this data on to my Team Nurse and we’ll have to see what falls out. The alarm panel is at the blog’s end.

CGM: Had a call this morning from my pharmacy ExpressScripts about another matter, and at the conversation close asked about the status of my Freestyle Libre 3 order. I was told that it had been approved and should ship somewhere around April 4, 2023. Until such time as I have firm shipping info, I’m not going to cancel my out-of-pocket order which is prudent given we ARE dealing with government resources!

VA: I happened to check the status of my request to the VA to up my kidney failure to 100% from 80% due to the fact that I am now on Dialysis. I saw that it had been approved and that the rating package with info on how they arrived at their decision was in the mail. I received the package and was informed that the monthly disability payment had been increased which I did not ask for or anticipate. Turns out that since with the new rating of 100% for being on Dialysis, and the fact that I have another non-related rating of at least 60% (actually have a triple-bypass at 60% plus a host of others), I now fall under Special Monthly Compensation tables which resulted in the unanticipated increase. Blind squirrels etc.

Screen capture of cycler alarms panel

Fresenius Liberty Cycler Tech Support Call & CGMs

As stated in my blog entry last Friday, yesterday (Monday), I called Fresenius Tech Support concerning the seemingly continuous throwing of drain alarms by my Liberty Cycler. We spent over 20 minutes with the tech rep requesting data from various cycler screens. As of the phone call, the cycler was throwing drain alarms for exactly 50% of the evening dialysis treatments. Let me explain this so those not acquainted with the cycler have a little more insight into what I’m talking about.

The Cycler is a computer-controlled pumping device that controls the three phases of my evening dialysis treatment. After turning on and plugging my catheter into the cycler, it first checks to see if any fluid is left in my stomach cavity and if so pumps it out. It defaults to 50mL or more of such fluid. If there previously had been a “good” drain, the machine can’t remove at least 50mL of fluid so guess what, yes, it throws an alarm. You have to manually bypass this phase to move on.

From here on what takes place depends on what your nephrologist has ordered. From me, I am on 8000 mL total fluids, pumped in and out of my stomach lining 2000mL at a time, for four cycles total. So initially 2000mL is pumped in – called “fill,” which is left in my lining for two hours – called dwell, then pumped out – called a drain. Each fill is supposed to take 10 minutes, and each drain is 20 minutes. If you add up the total fill times 4×10=40 minutes and drain 4×20 = 80 minutes, you have 120 minutes or two hours ideally spent on fill and drain, plus 4×2 hrs = 8 hrs total dwell. So altogether, 10 hours in an ideal world. My best time is 10 hrs 11 minutes, and the worst is right at 11 hours. The problem is with the drain. For me, as previously stated, 50% or more of the time my system has problems with drains. Is it me, the cycler, or God knows?

On the me vector, I have been doing EVERYTHING my team has suggested. We tested my plumbing, and everything is working properly. I am on my second cycler; I have read that some patients have gone through more than 10 with drain problems. The internet is full of complaints by patients concerning drain problems with the Fresenius Cycler. The PR fluff Fresenius has released on their new cycler touts improvement in this area which is moot acknowledgment on their part of the cycler’s intrinsic problems with the current cycler. I guess other than the cycler, it’s in God’s bailiwick.

This morning I received a call from my Dialysis Team Nurse who had been contacted by Fresenius Tech Support. The bottom line is this: Tech Support’s solution to grossly excessive alarms is to turn them off. I was directed to a section in the Cycler manual called “Flow Alerts” wherein it states that if both flow alert and flow alert sound are set to “NO” the sound will not occur, but the cycler will display an alarm when you are draining or filling slowly. So I fired up my Cycler, went to the proper panel, and turned off the flow alert, defaulting the sound to N/A. Note the differences between what the manual stated needed to be accomplished and what took place on my Cycler.

Regardless, the alarm is now off, and we’ll soon know what effect this “fix” has. I’m going to watch what happens to the overall time I’m on the cycler. I suspect it will increase, perhaps drastically, because I’m not getting up to increase the drain flow as I have in the past. We’ll see, and I’ll report back.

CGM: Last week I had a conversation with my online pharmacy, ExpressScripts about an unrelated matter. Upon conclusion of this call, I inquired about their provision of Libre3 CGMs. I was assured that they either have them or will provide them when presented with a valid prescription by my doctor. I call my GP who sent them a script yesterday. My ExpressScripts app notified me they had received a script to fill. Today I received notification from ExpressScripts that a “Prior Authorization Required” has to be in place before they can ship my CGM order. My benefits plan must be approved through prior authorization to ensure my plan covers this medicine.

It looks like governmental red tape is taking over. Meanwhile, I’m paying $204.xx out-of-pocket for the Libre 3. I’ll keep you posted.




Fresenius Medical Care – The Company

This updates a previous post about Fresenius, the company that provides Dialysis Support for me and thousands of others.

Fresenius Medical Care is a German company specializing in providing dialysis products and services. The company was founded in 1996 as a result of the merger of Fresenius AG and the American company National Medical Care. However, the roots of the company’s involvement in the dialysis business can be traced back to the 1960s.

In 1966, Fresenius AG was founded in Germany as a pharmaceutical company. In the early 1970s, the company began manufacturing dialysis machines and equipment, and by the mid-1970s, Fresenius had become one of the leading suppliers of dialysis equipment in Europe.

In 1987, Fresenius acquired a controlling stake in National Medical Care (NMC), a US-based dialysis company. NMC was founded in 1971 by Dr. Stanley Shaldon and was one of the largest dialysis providers in the United States at the time of its acquisition. Fresenius gained a significant presence in the US dialysis market through the acquisition.

In 1996, Fresenius AG merged with NMC to form Fresenius Medical Care. The merger created one of the largest dialysis companies in the world, with operations in over 100 countries. Fresenius Medical Care continued to expand its business through acquisitions and partnerships, including the acquisition of Gambro AB in 2013, a Swedish company that specialized in dialysis products and services.

Today, Fresenius Medical Care is one of the leading providers of dialysis products and services globally, with over 3,900 dialysis clinics and a workforce of approximately 120,000 employees. The company’s products and services include dialysis machines, dialyzers, renal pharmaceuticals, and related laboratory and diagnostic services.

In conclusion, Fresenius Medical Care’s involvement in the dialysis business began in the 1960s with the manufacturing of dialysis machines and equipment by Fresenius AG. The acquisition of NMC in 1987 and the subsequent merger with Fresenius AG in 1996 further expanded the company’s presence in the dialysis market, leading to its current position as a leading provider of dialysis products and services worldwide.

In general, employee reviews on websites such as Glassdoor and Indeed suggest that Fresenius Medical Care is a good place to work, with many employees citing good benefits, supportive colleagues, and opportunities for career growth. However, some reviews also mention a high workload and demanding job responsibilities, which may be expected given the nature of the healthcare industry.

In terms of industry recognition, Fresenius Medical Care has received several awards and accolades as an employer. In 2020, the company was named one of the “World’s Most Admired Companies” by Fortune magazine and was recognized as a “Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality” by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.

Fresenius Medical Care has also received recognition for its commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. In 2020, the company was named a “Top 50 Employer” by the National Association of Female Executives and was recognized as a “Best Employer for Diversity” by Forbes magazine.

Overall, while individual experiences may vary, Fresenius Medical Care appears to be a company that values its employees and strives to create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture.

Fresenius Medical Care is publicly traded on several stock exchanges, including the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany and the New York Stock Exchange in the United States. The company’s stock symbol is FME in Germany and FMS in the United States.

Historically, Fresenius Medical Care has performed well in the stock market, with steady growth in share price over the years. For example, between 2016 and 2020, the company’s share price in Germany increased from around €70 to over €80 per share. In the United States, the company’s share price increased from around $43 to over $50 per share during the same period.

Dialysis Week in Review

Dialysis Week in Review

This week my weight has been steadily going up, like M-F 152.2, 151.2, 152.2, 153.0, and 155.2. this morning the cycler indicated a -599 mico which indicates fluid left in me. My wife noticed my face looked bloated. I going to have to call Fresenius Tech Support and spend an inordinate amount of time with them hoping to receive a replacement Cycler.

Meanwhile, out of the last seven days, I have only experienced ONE NIGHT without drain alarms. That for the record provided the potential for one night of interrupted sleep out of seven. Per my Neurologist and Fresenius team support personnel, I have been taking MiraLAX daily to no avail which leads me to suspect the Cycler even more.

With my weight gain, I noticed my glucose readings inching upward also. Not drastically, but three out of the five last morning fasting readings from my Libre 3 CGM have been over 106. It all points back to the Cycler IMHO.

Spring is really coming on strong here in North Texas. Our mowers have mowed our yard once, and last night’s rain really greened things up. Our tomato and pepper plants are doing well, as are our early flowers – hyacinths daffodils, and tulips. The female goose is still on her nest on our roof. In a couple of weeks, we should see some youngins. I read that the parents encourage their young to jump out of the next from a ground position but don’t force them out.

I changed the oil, oil filter, and air filter on our 2014 BMW 328D yesterday and accomplished the same on our 2019 BMW X5 today, along with topping off all the fluids and tire pressures. We are ready for summer.

Fresenius called me earlier today and informed me that our catch-up deliveries of supplies would take place between 7-11 AM Monday. Some things in the world of Dialysis do work. Hank


What is Peritoneal Dialysis and how does it work?

This blog is a fundamental introduction to the Peritoneal Dialysis treatment and will be useful for those who are new to peritoneal dialysis. It will include how it works, who it’s suitable for, and what patients can expect from treatment.

Graphic of Peritoneal Dialysis Simplified

A Fundamental Introduction to Peritoneal Dialysis


Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a lifesaving treatment for patients with kidney failure, myself included. As an alternative to hemodialysis, PD allows for more flexibility, as it can be done at home, and it is a gentler option for patients who cannot tolerate traditional hemodialysis so I am told. It can also be a pain in the ass – cycler drain problems that just won’t go away. Having said that, this blog post aims to provide a fundamental introduction to PD, its mechanisms, suitability for patients, and what to expect during treatment. It is so included because it has been my experience to date the TC Mits (The Common Man in the Streets) really doesn’t have a handle on what PD is all about – nor should they understandably. This blog is for TCMits.

What is Peritoneal Dialysis?

Kidneys are essential organs that filter waste products and excess water from the blood, maintaining a proper balance of minerals and electrolytes (1). When kidneys fail, waste products accumulate in the blood, leading to a dangerous condition known as uremia. Dialysis is a treatment that replicates the kidney’s filtering function and removes these waste products from the blood (2).

Peritoneal dialysis is a type of dialysis that uses the peritoneal membrane, the thin lining of the abdominal cavity, as a natural filter (3). The peritoneal membrane is rich in blood vessels, making it an effective filtration system. During PD, a sterile solution called dialysate is introduced into the peritoneal cavity through a catheter. The dialysate absorbs waste products and excess water from the blood, and is then drained from the body (4).

How Does Peritoneal Dialysis Work?

There are two primary types of peritoneal dialysis: Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) (5).

  1. Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD): CAPD is a manual process where the patient drains and refills the dialysate solution multiple times a day, usually four to five times, with each exchange taking about 30 minutes (6). This process is typically done during waking hours, and the dialysate remains in the abdomen for four to six hours before being exchanged (7).
  2. Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD): APD uses a machine called a cycler to perform the dialysate exchanges (8). The cycler automatically fills and drains the peritoneal cavity with dialysate, usually overnight while the patient sleeps. The number of exchanges and the time spent on the cycler vary depending on individual needs (9).

Who is Suitable for Peritoneal Dialysis?

PD is suitable for a wide range of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). It is particularly appropriate for those who:

  • Have difficulty accessing a hemodialysis center due to geographical or transportation limitations (10)
  • Are medically stable and can manage the treatment at home (11)
  • Prefer a more flexible schedule, as PD can be done at home and does not require strict adherence to a center’s schedule (12)
  • Are not suitable candidates for hemodialysis due to medical reasons or personal preference (13)

However, PD may not be suitable for patients with:

  • Severe peritoneal scarring or adhesions from previous surgeries or infections (14)
  • Limited manual dexterity or visual impairment, as these patients may have difficulty performing the exchanges (15)
  • Uncontrolled psychiatric or cognitive disorders that could affect their ability to manage treatment (16)

What to Expect from Peritoneal Dialysis Treatment

  1. Preparing for PD: Before starting PD, patients undergo a minor surgical procedure to insert a catheter into the abdomen (17). This procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, and the catheter is left in place for several weeks to heal before PD begins (18).
  2. Training: Patients receive training from a specialized PD nurse to learn the proper techniques for managing their treatment, including how to connect and disconnect from the dialysis system, maintaining sterility, and recognizing potential complications (19). The training period usually lasts one to two weeks and may take place in a hospital, clinic, or at home (20).
  1. Managing PD at Home: Once trained, patients can perform PD in the comfort of their own homes. It is crucial to maintain a clean environment and follow the prescribed schedule for dialysate exchanges (21). Regular check-ups with the healthcare team are essential to monitor the patient’s health, make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan, and address any issues or concerns (22).
  2. Diet and Fluid Intake: As with other dialysis treatments, patients on PD need to follow specific dietary guidelines to ensure their bodies receive the necessary nutrients without overloading on waste products (23). A dietitian will provide personalized advice on dietary restrictions, including limitations on sodium, potassium, and phosphorus intake (24). Fluid intake should also be monitored, as the body’s ability to remove excess fluids is limited (25).
  3. Physical Activity: Most patients on PD can engage in regular physical activity, which helps maintain overall health and well-being (26). However, it is essential to consult with the healthcare team before starting any new exercise regimen (27).
  4. Potential Complications: While PD is generally safe, complications can arise, including peritonitis (an infection of the peritoneal membrane) and hernias due to increased abdominal pressure (28). Prompt recognition and treatment of these complications are essential to prevent serious health issues (29).


Peritoneal dialysis is a valuable treatment option for patients with kidney failure, offering flexibility and a gentler alternative to traditional hemodialysis. Understanding the mechanics, suitability, and expectations of PD can help patients make informed decisions about their treatment options and better manage their condition. With the proper guidance and support from their healthcare team, patients on PD can maintain their health and enjoy an improved quality of life.


  1. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2019). Your Kidneys & How They Work. Retrieved from
  2. National Kidney Foundation. (2017). Dialysis. Retrieved from
  3. Jain, A. K., & Blake, P. (2020). Peritoneal Dialysis. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from
  4. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2021). Peritoneal Dialysis. MedlinePlus. Retrieved from
  5. Nolph, K. D. (2017). Types of Peritoneal Dialysis. UpToDate. Retrieved from
  6. Ibid.
  7. Ibid.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Ibid.
  10. Couchoud, C., et al. (2009). Geographical variations in the epidemiology of end-stage renal disease: a French national study. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 24(2), 715-722.
  11. Jain, A. K., & Blake, P. (2020). Peritoneal Dialysis. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  12. National Kidney Foundation. (2017). Dialysis.
  13. Ibid.
  14. Jain, A. K., & Blake, P. (2020). Peritoneal Dialysis. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  15. Ibid.
  16. Ibid.
  17. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2021). Peritoneal Dialysis. MedlinePlus.
  1. Ibid.
  2. Figueiredo, A., et al. (2016). Teaching peritoneal dialysis at home: evaluation of a new strategy. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 36(2), 159-166.
  3. Ibid.
  4. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2021). Peritoneal Dialysis. MedlinePlus.
  5. National Kidney Foundation. (2017). Dialysis.
  6. Kidney Care UK. (n.d.). Diet for peritoneal dialysis patients. Retrieved from
  7. Ibid.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Heiwe, S., & Jacobson, S. H. (2014). Exercise training in adults with CKD: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 64(3), 383-393.
  10. Ibid.
  11. Jain, A. K., & Blake, P. (2020). Peritoneal Dialysis. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  12. Ibid.

The History of Peritoneal Dialysis: How It All Began

Since I am a Peritoneal Dialysis user/patient, I must have a rudimentary understanding of the history behind this life-saving procedure. Thus, the following blog entry: Please note the many links included in this blog entry to explain the terms and concepts introduced.

From Stable Diffusion with prompt “Original dialysis machine”


Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a life-saving treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The history of PD dates back to ancient times when physicians used peritoneal lavage as a therapeutic tool to treat patients with abdominal infections. However, the modern use of peritoneal dialysis for the treatment of renal failure started in the 20th century. This blog will discuss the history of peritoneal dialysis, from its inception to the present day.

Ancient Times:

Peritoneal lavage was first described in ancient Greek medical texts as a treatment for abdominal infections. In the 1st century AD, the Roman physician Asclepiades used peritoneal lavage to treat a patient with peritonitis. This involved injecting warm water into the peritoneal cavity and then draining it out. The use of peritoneal lavage continued through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, but it was not until the 19th century that peritoneal dialysis began to take shape as a medical procedure.

19th Century:

In the 19th century, the Italian physiologist Carlo Matteucci conducted experiments in which he injected saline solution into the peritoneal cavity of dogs and observed the osmotic transfer of fluid across the peritoneal membrane. In 1856, the German physiologist Carl Ludwig described the transfer of fluids and solutes across the peritoneal membrane in his book “Physiology of the Circulation.” However, it was not until the early 20th century that peritoneal dialysis became a practical treatment option.

Early 20th Century:

In the early 1900s, Russian surgeon Dimitri Ivanovich Abrikossoff used peritoneal lavage as a treatment for uremia. He injected saline solution into the peritoneal cavity of patients with renal failure and then drained it out. Although Abrikossoff’s technique was not very effective, it laid the foundation for using peritoneal dialysis to treat renal failure.

In 1923, the American surgeon Leonard Rowntree and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota performed the first successful peritoneal dialysis in a dog. They injected saline solution into the peritoneal cavity of a dog with uremia and then drained it out. The dog’s condition improved, and it lived for several months after the procedure. Rowntree and his colleagues then performed peritoneal dialysis on a patient with renal failure, but the patient did not survive the procedure.

Mid-20th Century:

In the mid-20th century, several advances in peritoneal dialysis technology were made. In 1959, the Dutch physician Willem Kolff and his colleagues developed the first commercial peritoneal dialysis machine, the Kolff-Brigham dialysis machine. See the picture below. This machine used gravity to circulate the dialysis solution through the peritoneal cavity. In 1965, the American nephrologist Henry Tenckhoff developed the Tenckhoff catheter, which is still used today for peritoneal dialysis.

Artificial kidney. MG*291118, catalog number M-13845.

Late 20th Century:

In the late 20th century, peritoneal dialysis became a widely accepted treatment for ESRD. In 1976, the National Cooperative Dialysis Study showed that peritoneal dialysis was as effective as hemodialysis in the treatment of ESRD. In 1980, the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis was founded to promote the development of peritoneal dialysis as a treatment for renal failure.

Current Era:

In the current era, peritoneal dialysis remains an important treatment option for patients with ESRD. In 2016, there were approximately 240,000 patients worldwide receiving peritoneal dialysis, with the majority of patients living in developing countries.

Advancements in technology have improved the safety and effectiveness of peritoneal dialysis. Newer machines use automated cycling to circulate the dialysis solution through the peritoneal cavity, reducing the risk of infection and improving patient outcomes. Additionally, the development of newer dialysis solutions has improved the removal of waste products from the blood.


Peritoneal dialysis has a long and storied history, dating back to ancient times. The modern use of peritoneal dialysis for the treatment of renal failure started in the 20th century, with the development of peritoneal lavage techniques and the first successful peritoneal dialysis procedures. Advancements in technology and the widespread acceptance of peritoneal dialysis as a treatment for ESRD have improved patient outcomes and made peritoneal dialysis an important treatment option for patients around the world.


  1. Golper, T. A., & Piraino, B. (2015). Peritoneal dialysis: Its history and current status. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 66(5), 932-936. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2015.07.008
  2. Bleyer, A. J., & Diaz-Buxo, J. A. (2002). The history of peritoneal dialysis. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 13(Supplement 1), S23-S28. doi: 10.1097/01.asn.0000031473.60357.2b
  3. Oreopoulos, D. G. (1996). Peritoneal dialysis: A personal history. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 16(Supplement 1), S12-S18.
  4. Krediet, R. T. (2008). Peritoneal dialysis: From its origins to the twenty-first century. Kidney International, 73(Supplement 108), S3-S12. doi: 10.1038/
  5. Li, P. K., Szeto, C. C., & Piraino, B. (2016). Peritoneal dialysis in the modern era: How did we get here and where are we going? American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 68(4), 692-699. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2016.05.020

Overview of the latest technologies and innovations in dialysis treatment and their impact on social acceptance


Dialysis treatment is a vital medical procedure that allows individuals with kidney failure to live healthier and longer lives. Since the first dialysis machine was invented in the 1940s, advancements in technology have revolutionized the way in which dialysis treatment is administered. These advancements have improved patient outcomes and quality of life. In this blog, we will explore the latest technologies and innovations in dialysis treatment and their impact on societal acceptance.

  1. Wearable Dialysis Devices: Wearable dialysis devices such as wearable artificial kidneys (WAK) are a promising innovation in dialysis treatment. The development of these devices began in the early 2000s, and they are still in the testing phase. However, early results have shown that WAKs have the potential to improve patients’ quality of life by allowing them to receive dialysis treatment while going about their daily activities. This technology has the potential to reduce the burden on patients and caregivers by eliminating the need for frequent visits to a dialysis center.
  2. High-Flux Dialyzers: High-flux dialyzers are a newer type of dialyzer that removes more toxins from the blood than traditional dialyzers. These devices were introduced in the 1990s and have become increasingly common in dialysis centers. High-flux dialyzers work by allowing more water to flow through the membrane, which improves the removal of toxins from the blood. This technology has been shown to improve patient outcomes, reduce treatment times, and lower the risk of complications.
  3. Online Hemodiafiltration: Online hemodiafiltration (HDF) is a type of dialysis that combines the processes of hemodialysis and hemofiltration. This technology was introduced in the early 2000s and has been shown to improve patient outcomes. Online HDF removes more toxins from the blood than traditional dialysis and has been associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality rates.
  4. Remote Monitoring: Remote monitoring technology has been developed to allow healthcare providers to monitor patients’ vital signs and dialysis treatment remotely. This technology has the potential to improve patient outcomes by detecting potential complications before they become severe. Remote monitoring technology has been introduced in the past decade and is becoming increasingly common in dialysis centers.
  5. Personalized Dialysis: Personalized dialysis is an emerging field that uses a patient’s individual characteristics to develop a personalized dialysis treatment plan. This technology has the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce the risk of complications. Personalized dialysis is still in the early stages of development, but early results have shown promising results.

Overall, these technological advancements have the potential to improve dialysis treatment outcomes and increase societal acceptance. However, issues of accessibility and affordability must be addressed to ensure that all individuals with kidney failure have access to the latest dialysis treatments.


  1. Wearable Artificial Kidney (WAK) Clinical Trial. (2022). National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Retrieved from
  2. Kuhlmann, M. K. (2003). Advances in dialysis technology: high-flux dialysis. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 14(1), 265-269.
  3. Maduell, F., Arias, M., & Rodas, L. (2019). Hemodiafiltration versus Hemodialysis: A Review. Seminars in Dialysis, 32(6), 527-538.
  4. Perl, J., & Chan, C. T. (2015). Remote monitoring: a comprehensive review of the literature. Journal of
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