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Should’ve, Could’ve, Would’ve

The title is a phrase that I have attempted to void throughout my life. I did not want to reach the place in life where I am now lamenting over opportunities missed, not taken advantage of, or passed up. For instance, in my fifties I bought a Porsche for my wife and a track weekend to familiarize her with the new car. Porsche racers were at the track as instructors, and during breaks, were out on the track having a good time. Not long after this weekend, I found a 911 basket case, bought it, and turned it into a track car. I raced for several seasons and it was a blast. I had a great time, and met lots of great people, and “Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve” does not apply. I did and have the memories to live with for the rest of my life.

Turning to this phrase as applies to those of us on peritoneal dialysis I asked Poe to apply the concept to us with the following results:

“Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve”—these words carry a weight of regret and what-ifs that can linger heavily on the mind. For many peritoneal dialysis patients, these sentiments may surface as they reflect on their health journey and the decisions that led them to this treatment. However, it is essential to shift perspective and recognize the strength, resilience, and courage it takes to navigate life on peritoneal dialysis.

The phrase “should’ve” often implies a sense of missed opportunities or actions that one regrets not taking. In the context of peritoneal dialysis patients, it may be tempting to dwell on the past and think about what could have been done differently to avoid kidney disease or the need for dialysis. Thoughts like “I should’ve taken better care of my health” or “I should’ve listened to my doctor sooner” can cloud the mind with guilt and self-blame.

But instead of getting caught up in the “should’ve,” peritoneal dialysis patients can reframe this perspective into one of empowerment and learning. Rather than focusing on past choices, they can acknowledge the courage it takes to face their health challenges head-on and make the decision to pursue peritoneal dialysis as a life-saving treatment. Every day on dialysis is a testament to their resilience and determination to prioritize their health and well-being.

“Could’ve” often brings to mind missed opportunities or potential outcomes that weren’t realized. In the world of peritoneal dialysis, patients may think about the freedom they could’ve had if they didn’t need to undergo dialysis treatments regularly. They might imagine a life without the constraints of a treatment schedule or dietary restrictions, longing for the spontaneity and normalcy that kidney disease has disrupted.

However, peritoneal dialysis patients can shift the focus from what could’ve been to what is possible now. By embracing the opportunities for self-care, connection with healthcare providers, and support from loved ones, they can create a fulfilling and meaningful life despite the challenges of their condition. Each dialysis session becomes not a limitation but a chance to prioritize their health and well-being, nurturing a sense of empowerment and control over their bodies.

“Would’ve” often speaks to intentions or desires that were not fulfilled or acted upon. In the realm of peritoneal dialysis, patients may find themselves longing for a life without the burdens of chronic illness, dreaming of a future that is free from the constraints of medical treatments and health complications. They may wish they would’ve been spared the struggles and hardships that come with managing kidney disease.

Yet, peritoneal dialysis patients can transform these wishes into a sense of gratitude for the present moment. Despite the challenges they face, they can find solace in the strength they have discovered within themselves, the relationships they have cultivated, and the resilience they have demonstrated in the face of adversity. Each day on peritoneal dialysis is an opportunity to embrace the gift of life and health, to find joy in the small victories, and to appreciate the support and care that surrounds them.

In conclusion, the journey of a peritoneal dialysis patient is one marked by courage, resilience, and gratitude. Rather than getting lost in the “should’ve, could’ve, would’ve,” they can celebrate the strength it takes to navigate life with a chronic illness, the opportunities for growth and learning, and the moments of joy and connection that make each day meaningful. By shifting the perspective from regret to resilience, peritoneal dialysis patients can find peace in the present moment and hope for the future, embracing the power of gratitude and grace in their health journey.

The Gift of Health: A Thanksgiving Tribute to Peritoneal Dialysis

As Thanksgiving approaches this year, I find myself reflecting on all the things I have to be thankful for, especially regarding my health journey on peritoneal dialysis. It has been over two years since I started this treatment, and I am truly grateful for how well I am doing on it.

First and foremost, I am thankful for the opportunity to receive peritoneal dialysis. This treatment has been a lifeline for me, allowing me to manage my kidney disease and maintain a good quality of life. The fact that I can perform this treatment at home, on my schedule, has given me a sense of independence and control over my health that I never thought possible.

I am also grateful for the support of my healthcare team throughout this journey. From my nephrologist to the nurses and technicians who have guided me through the ins and outs of peritoneal dialysis, I am thankful for their expertise, compassion, and dedication to helping me thrive on this treatment. Their encouragement and knowledge have been invaluable in keeping me healthy and confident in managing my condition.

In addition, I am thankful for my family and friends who have been there for me every step of the way. Their unwavering support, love, and understanding have strengthened me during the challenging moments of my health journey. Whether it’s helping me with dialysis exchanges, running errands, or simply being a listening ear, their presence in my life is a constant reminder of the blessings I have.

I am grateful for the advancements in medical technology that have made peritoneal dialysis not only possible but also more efficient and convenient. The innovation and research in the field of kidney health have led to improvements in treatments like mine, offering patients like me a better quality of life and more options for managing our conditions.

Furthermore, I am thankful for the resilience and determination that I have discovered within myself since starting peritoneal dialysis. This journey has challenged me in ways I never imagined, but it has also shown me the depth of my strength and ability to adapt to new circumstances. I am proud of how far I have come and the progress I have made in taking control of my health and well-being.

As I sit down to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, I am filled with gratitude for all these blessings in my life. Peritoneal dialysis has been a central part of my health journey, and I am thankful for the stability, comfort, and hope it has brought me. I am reminded that even in the face of adversity, there is always something to be thankful for, and for me, that is the gift of health and the support of those around me.

Keeping the Beat: Managing Heart Problems Day by Day

This past weekend’s WSJ had an interesting article for me by Joe M. Moore titled “I Was in Great Health. So Why Were My Arteries Clogged?”

Joe M. Moore’s essay recounts his unexpected diagnosis of Sitosterolemia, a rare genetic disorder causing arterial plaque buildup, despite a healthy lifestyle. His high calcium score, revealed by a cardiac CT scan, initially baffled doctors. After further testing, Sitosterolemia was identified, highlighting the challenges of rare disease diagnosis and the importance of patient advocacy. Moore emphasizes proactive screenings and persistent questioning to ensure accurate diagnoses. The essay also discusses the high rate of misdiagnosis in the US and advocates for increased patient involvement in healthcare decisions.

So what you may ask. You may recall that while undergoing a dermatology procedure to remove skin cancer from my left temple the physician commented that he had never seen a temporal artery with such a large amount of calcification as mine. I fed this info to my cardiologist and received nothing back. Nada, Zip. This article provides insight into plausible steps to take to ascertain if Sitosterolemia is the case, and indeed, what degree of calcification I display.

As a side note, thanks to the persistence of my wife, I am now scheduled for a heart procedure/look-see on 12/30/2024. I have to go to Ft Worth on 12/26/2024 to see the attending nephrologist since my local kidney doctor does not have privileges there. We have been advised to take our cycler and associated gear in case we have to stay overnight. An overnight stay is in order if I have stents installed. One day at a time sweet Jesus.

Navigating the Future: Key Research Trends in Peritoneal Dialysis

As a current peritoneal dialysis patient, it is in my best interest to keep abreast of the latest research on the subject. Here’s what Perplexity has to say about this:

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) remains a crucial treatment option for patients with kidney failure, and recent research has focused on improving outcomes and addressing challenges associated with this modality. Here are some of the latest developments in PD research:

Technological Advancements

Recent innovations in PD technology aim to enhance patient outcomes and reduce treatment-associated harm:

  • Early Detection of Peritonitis: New technologies are being developed to enable point-of-care detection of peritonitis, potentially extending the treatment period on PD by preventing transfer to hemodialysis[1].
  • Glucose Exposure Reduction: Novel approaches are being explored to minimize the harmful effects of peritoneal glucose exposure, including:
  • Devices designed to deliver constant infusion of glucose at lower concentrations
  • Alternative osmotic agents such as xylitol
  • Protective additives like alanyl-glutamine or carnitine[1]

Clinical Practice Guidelines

The 2024 update of the Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Management of Peritoneal Dialysis Associated Infection in Children provides comprehensive treatment guidance based on recent literature and registry data. Key updates include:

  • New recommendations for antibiotic therapy of peritonitis, reflecting evolving antibiotic susceptibilities and stewardship practices
  • Updated clinical benchmarks
  • Recommendations for future research to address important knowledge gaps[3]

Outcomes and Practice Patterns

The Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (PDOPPS) continues to advance the understanding of optimal PD practices worldwide:

  • Phase 1 of PDOPPS included 7,629 patients from 215 dialysis facilities across 7 countries
  • Phase 2 is expanding to include Colombia and South Korea, focusing on novel areas of research
  • The study aims to promote appropriate use of PD, extend technique survival, and improve quality of life for PD patients[4]

Emerging Research Areas

Recent studies have explored various aspects of PD care:

  • Optimization of ultrafiltration and prevention of volume overload
  • Improved detection and prevention of cardiovascular disease in PD patients
  • Investigation of risk factors for peritonitis and technique failure
  • Associations between CKD-MBD biomarkers and survival
  • Use of PD for patients with chronic liver failure and acute kidney injury
  • Impact of periodontal disease on PD patients
  • Methods to increase physical activity and quality of life
  • Pathophysiology of peritoneal membrane aging[6][7]

Future Directions

Ongoing research efforts are focused on:

  • Developing goal-directed dialysis prescriptions that take a holistic view of patient outcomes
  • Addressing inequities in access to PD across different regions and populations
  • Improving PD education and training for both patients and healthcare providers
  • Investigating the potential of incremental PD approaches
  • Exploring the use of PD in various patient populations, including those with comorbidities[1][5]

As the field of PD continues to evolve, these research efforts aim to improve patient outcomes, increase the availability and utilization of PD worldwide, and address the ongoing challenges associated with this important kidney replacement therapy.


More Cool Video-generated AI

I subscribe to an AI service named Pictory. Using Pictory, you can input text via AI to be turned into a video. Recently Kate from Pictory sent users a fairly complicated prompt to use in your AI engine of choice to generate a script to be inputted into Pictory to turn into a video. I tried two scripts in Poe, one in the main Poe and one in a specific bot to author scripts. The first is the first below and the second is the specific script bot. Pretty cool stuff.

Diabetes and Female Sexual Drive

Last night my wife and I watched a movie on AcronTV that was based on a true story of the introduction of Viagra in the UK. It took place in the early nineties and was targeted toward men who were diabetics. The story centered on five men and their female companion’s social interaction resulting from the medication’s first trials. It was well done and interesting.

At breakfast, my wife and I discussed the film and in so doing the subject of diabetes and women’s sexual drive came up. Neither of us had ever heard of any research into this potential duality and thus this blog.

I turned to Perplexity with the following Prompt and results: is there any research into the impact of diabetes on the sexual drive of females?

Yes, there is a relationship between diabetes and sexual drive in females. Women with diabetes are more likely to experience a decrease in libido or lower sex drive compared to women without diabetes[1][2][5]. This can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Hormonal changes: Diabetes can disrupt the normal balance of sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, which can reduce sex drive and make it harder to become aroused[5].
  2. Nerve damage: High blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage, affecting sensation in the genitals and making it difficult to feel sexual stimulation[1][5].
  3. Reduced blood flow: Diabetes can damage blood vessels, restricting blood flow to sexual organs and potentially affecting arousal[5].
  4. Psychological factors: Depression, anxiety, and stress associated with managing diabetes can contribute to a lower libido[2][5].
  5. Medication side effects: Some medications used to treat diabetes or its complications, such as blood pressure drugs or antidepressants, can negatively impact sex drive[2][5].
  6. Vaginal dryness: Women with diabetes may experience vaginal dryness due to reduced blood flow and nerve damage, which can make sex uncomfortable and decrease desire[1][5][8].

It’s important to note that while diabetes can affect sexual function, the impact varies among individuals. Open communication with healthcare providers and partners, along with proper diabetes management, can help address these issues and maintain a healthy sex life[2][5].


Potential Side Effects of Peritoneal Dialysis Over Time

Now that I have reviewed the two-year point (9/30/202), it’s appropriate to investigate the ensconced thinking about longer-term effects on patients. To accomplish this I turned to Poe with the following results:

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) can be an effective long-term treatment option for patients with kidney failure, but it does come with potential side effects that may arise over time. Here are some of the long-term side effects associated with peritoneal dialysis:

  1. Peritonitis
    Peritonitis is an infection of the peritoneum, one of the most serious complications of PD. It can occur if bacteria enter the peritoneal cavity through the catheter. Symptoms include abdominal pain, fever, and cloudy dialysate. Recurrent episodes can lead to scarring of the peritoneum and reduced effectiveness of PD.
  2. Catheter-Related Issues
    The catheter used for PD can lead to complications such as blockage, leakage, or dislodgement. Long-term use may also result in skin infections or tunnel infections at the catheter site.
  3. Changes in Body Composition
    Patients on PD may experience changes in body composition, such as increased body fat and decreased muscle mass. This is often due to the caloric content of the dialysate, which can lead to weight gain if not managed properly.
  4. Abdominal Complications
    Over time, the presence of the dialysate in the abdominal cavity can cause issues such as abdominal distension or hernias. The increased pressure from the fluid can also affect abdominal organs.
  5. Glucose Metabolism Issues
    The glucose in the dialysate can contribute to insulin resistance and worsen diabetes control in diabetic patients. Long-term exposure may increase the risk of developing diabetes.
  6. Electrolyte Imbalances
    Patients on PD may experience imbalances in electrolytes, such as potassium and sodium. Monitoring and adjustments in treatment are necessary to maintain proper levels.
  7. Bone and Mineral Disorders
    Long-term dialysis can affect bone health, leading to conditions such as renal osteodystrophy. This occurs due to altered calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D metabolism.
  8. Psychosocial Impact
    Living with a chronic condition like kidney failure can lead to psychological effects such as anxiety, depression, or social isolation. Patients may struggle with the demands of treatment and lifestyle changes.

While peritoneal dialysis can be a beneficial treatment for many patients, it is important to be aware of the potential long-term side effects. Regular follow-ups with healthcare providers, proper training in catheter care, nutritional management, and psychological support can help mitigate these risks and improve the overall quality of life for patients on PD. Each patient’s experience is unique, so tailored care and monitoring are essential.

Almost in the Heart Surgery Queue

We received a call from our cardiologist’s office yesterday. We were promised that we would know this week when my heart surgery is to be scheduled, probably for Thanksgiving week. As a result, my wife called off our annual family Thanksgiving get-together. A GD is not due back from Europe where she just earned her Masters in Marine Science until the first week or so in December so we’re doing everything involving the holidays all at once.

My wife also received the results of the same two tests I just underwent and came out OK so that’s a relief!

The weather here in North Texas has taken on a definite Fall blend, with cool nights and days in the seventies.

My dialysis nurse Cindy has been promoted to a more senior management position within Fresenius, so more change is in the works for me. She has provided the best care, and we will sorely miss her.

Tech hint: If you like to watch programs on YouTube and are tired of the continuous interruptions for commercials AND are running a VPN, point your VPN to Albania. It seems that Google doesn’t currently have a translator for the Albanian language and does not include commercials for this feed. It works for us.

The Value of Time for Older Dialysis Patients: Embracing Life’s Moments

At 85 and soon to be 86, I am one of the older dialysis patients. Although on dialysis, I have been blessed with a functioning mind and body. I can still work, walk, and ponder. As such, life is good. However, time itself is taking on more significance. Let’s delve into the concept of time vis-a-vis more experienced patients.

For older adults undergoing dialysis, time takes on a new significance. Each session in the clinic can be a reminder of the fragility of health, leading to reflections on how best to use the time they have. As these patients navigate the complexities of their treatment, it’s essential to recognize each moment’s value and embrace life fully, drawing on lessons from the past

Understanding the Value of Time
For many older dialysis patients, time is no longer just a commodity; it has become a cherished resource. Their schedules may feel restrictive with frequent treatments, often every night. However, this can also serve as an opportunity to prioritize what truly matters. The reality of dealing with a chronic illness can shift perspectives, making individuals more aware of the importance of relationships, passions, and personal well-being.

Making the Most of Each Moment

  1. Cultivating Relationships
    One of the most profound lessons from the past is the importance of human connection. Dialysis can be isolating, but it also presents an opportunity to strengthen bonds with family and friends. Patients can schedule regular visits or video calls, turning their treatment days into social occasions. Sharing experiences, stories, and laughter can offer emotional support and alleviate the burdens of illness.
  2. Pursuing Passions and Hobbies
    Many older adults have spent decades building skills and hobbies that bring them joy. Dialysis patients can use their time to reconnect with these interests or explore new ones. Whether it’s painting, gardening, reading, or learning a new instrument, engaging in creative activities can foster a sense of accomplishment and joy, making the time spent in treatment feel more meaningful.
  3. Mindfulness and Reflection
    The act of slowing down during dialysis can offer a unique opportunity for mindfulness. Patients can practice meditation, journaling, or simply reflecting on their lives during treatment. This intentional focus can lead to greater awareness of their thoughts and feelings, allowing for a deeper appreciation of life’s moments, even the small ones. Lessons from the past remind us that introspection can be a powerful tool for personal growth and acceptance.
  4. Setting Goals
    Establishing personal goals can provide a sense of purpose. Whether these goals are related to health, personal development, or social engagement, having something to strive for can transform the experience of treatment. Patients can set realistic, achievable goals that inspire them to make the most of their time. This might include committing to a certain number of family gatherings or completing a book each month.
  5. Seeking Support and Resources
    Finally, older dialysis patients should not hesitate to seek support from healthcare providers, social workers, or community organizations. Many resources are available to help patients navigate their treatment and improve their quality of life. Knowing that they are not alone can be empowering and can enhance their ability to enjoy their time.

Lessons from the Past
Throughout history, many have faced adversity and learned to cherish the moments that matter. Older dialysis patients can draw inspiration from these stories, understanding that even in challenging times, joy can be found. Embracing the present while learning from the past can lead to a more fulfilling life, even amidst the struggles of chronic illness.

In conclusion, the value of time for older dialysis patients is profound. By nurturing relationships, pursuing passions, practicing mindfulness, setting goals, and seeking support, they can transform their time into a meaningful journey. Each moment is an opportunity to live fully, love deeply

More On Shorter Cassettes

By now, the subject is getting old without any tangible changes in the situation. Despite a massive hue and cry from patients, Fresenius is still shipping cycler cassettes with the 15-foot patient and drain lines. Although I have reached out to three government agencies and the CEO of Fresenius NA, I have received nothing back. Until…

Recently, out of the blue, I received a package from Fresenius containing several kinds of biohazard plastic bags and instructions to double bag the item I complained about. On the surface, I was asked to send Fresenius one of the new cassettes for their complaint department to do whatever with. The right hand at Fresenius doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.

Meanwhile, we the patients continue to suffer.

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