Today reminds me of the Fats Domino song “Blue Monday.” See below. I woke up at 0345. Yes, 3:45 AM. I had to leave the house by 0500 to be in Fort Worth at Baylor White Hospital to check in at 0630 for a heart procedure scheduled for 1000. Of course, we all know that these schedules are rarely, if ever, met—they are always late at the patient’s cost. We have NO IDEA what will be found but I’m prepared for the worst – having to have another open heart surgery. At least I should be able to work without having to sit down every whip-stitch to rest. So it’s off to the races we go – in our new BMW BTW. We pulled the trigger Friday and bought a 2023 BME 330Xi with a scant 24K miles on it and perfect in every regard. Boy does it have some electronics? The dash is about 3 1/2 feet wide and full of computer-driven stuff. I’ve got the voice actuation working so we can talk to it, say something like “Hey BMW, roll down the windows” and it’s done.
See you on the flip side.