CGM Saga Continues, or “More Screwups by My GP,” or “We Don’t Want to Provide CGMs to You!”

Thursday morning, I had my monthly appointment with my Dialysis Team. The Team facility is located across the street from the CVS where my most recent request for a Libre 3 sensor prescription has languished since April 14. I went to the “Consultation” window and was soon approached by a white-coated individual I assumed to be a pharmacist.

I showed her my CGM order on my phone’s CVS app, and she punched some info into her computer and soon informed me that CVS could not fill the prescription as prescribed by my GP. The problem was that the extant script was for three sensors for 90 days, refillable three times. Since the sensor only lasts 14 days, the script was for too few sensors. Further, CVS could not and would not fill the script. She stated that CVS had notified my GP’s office of this conundrum but had to date received no response.

Readers of this blog know that I have been pounding on the system for lack of medical acumen in this area and have repeatedly spoken to the voice on the other end at my GPs, attempting to straighten this out. I called the Doctor directly (I have concierge privileges which I pay for) and informed him of the situation. He checked on his end, and yes, CVS had notified his office, but the notice did not trigger the need for a response for some tangential reason.

Bottom line, while I was on the phone, my Doctor sent a fax to CVS with the correct script and promised me he would personally follow up with a call to CVS to ensure compliance with the requested script.

Do I have a great degree of confidence that the matter is settled? NO!

My CVS app now shows, “Your insurance requires approval.” Reading the tea leaves, I’m stuck paying full freight and buying my sensors from So much for insurance and all the hype in the news about CGMs now being covered for Diabetic patients who take insulin. The “system” doesn’t care! I’m tired of shooting myself in the foot over this and ready to move on. The “system” has won.” As the picture below infers, our healthcare “system” has its head up its ass!

1 Comment

  1. Jerry

    I do not understand. We both use CVS, and I have no trouble on this end. You have yourself a real conundrum. You at least have your Dr. attention. CVS is another matter. Good luck!!!

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