Followup to Yesterday’s Blog re Dialysis

I did jinx myself. Last night my Liberty Cycler on the first drain blared its klaxon horn and I had to get out of bed for 5 minutes or so until the indicated drain volume was over 1700 mL. At this point, I got back into bed and it remained mute for the remainder of the night. Just as five nights in a row without alarms does not a whole story make, so does a single alarm on a given night not indicate a trend. I still maintain that Fresenius knows full well the problems with their Cycler (notice that I refer to the cycler/problem as “theirs”) and not the dialysis patient’s problem to correct with MiraLAX or other nonconventional workarounds.

The weather in North Texas tends to be sinusoidal in the Spring, with broad swings between cool/cold and warm weather. The last couple of days we had fronts coming through from the West, and now the temperature is in the forties. In a couple of days, it will be back in the 70s/80s. The trick is to time your planned outside activities accordingly. One thing I can plan but not around the weather is walking our Golden Retriever Dickens. Come rain, shine, heat, cold, he gets his due exercise, and by association, I get mine. I read yesterday in the WSJ not less than 20 minutes of brisk walking at my seniority is necessary and sufficient exercise. Thanks to Dickens, which is why I agree to raise yet another Golden, I am getting my exercise in.

My last follow-up concerns the Egyptian Goose/Geese that built a nest on a valley of our roof. Below are four pictures. The first shows the pair out in front of our home when they were casing the joint. The remaining three are in-session closeups of the nesting female. All of the shots were made with my new – to me Samsung S23-Ultra phone which has a 200-megapixel lens and great zoom capability. What does this have to do with Dialysis you ask? Part of smelling the coffee and Mindfulness, for don’t you see?

1 Comment

  1. Barbara Seager

    The Egyptian goose seems to know where to egg-sit where there is no rent to pay 🙂

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