My PD setup consists of four stations:

  1. The Liberty Cycler located adjacent to our bed pictured herein;
  2.  A storage area in a spare bedroom closet;
  3. A separate workstation and storage area in our Master Bedroom;
  4. And lastly, a work area in the Master Bath for aseptically cleaning and dressing my catheter access region.

Liberty Cycler

The Liberty Cycler is a 28 pound approximately 600-watt 120 vac computer-controlled device that automatically pumps a special fluid mixture into the peritoneal area of the stomach where it “dwells” for two hours (for me), then is pumped back out (Drain Cycle). This occurs four times at night after I’ve gone to bed, with 2000ml (2L, or about 2 quarts – one liter is 1.05668821 quarts) of fluid weighing about 2 kg or 4.4 lbs. This pumping in, Dwelling, then pumping back out (Drain) consumes about 10 1/2 hours hooked up to the Cycler every evening. To be able to arise at a decent hour, I need to be hooked up and by association in bed by 9:30 PM or so which results in completion of the days’ cycle routine by approximately 8:30 AM .

There is administrative overhead to running the Cycler. You have to position the Cycler’s daily fungibles – the solution bags, cassettes, stay*safe Cap etc, you have to remove the bandage over your stomach’s catheter port prior to showering/bathing, and carefully rebandage the area after showering. You are required to take and enter extensive biometric data into the Cycler at cycle completion, and also report same online via an app to Fresenius (see screenshot to right.) (Note Fresenius also provides an iPad via which you may also enter data and order supplies.) Lastly, you have to make up all the cassette lines, safely depose of the medical waste, and for me, weekly recycle the cardboard containers in which Fresenius provides supplies. The next blog entry will address the remaining aspects of my PD setup.


In the of the medical residue thus geerated, and for me, go to recycling weekly to recycle about 4-6 cardboard boxes in which Fresenius supplied required material for the cycler was provided. (Shipments are ordered by you and arrive