Two days ago, I was in the shower and about to get out when I started to feel worse. Upon getting out of the shower, I started feeling like I had cotton between my ears. It went downhill from there. Made it until bedtime – early – and with lots of help from my wife managed to get hooked up on the PD Cycler. Of course, it picked this time to throw drain alarms throughout the night.

The next morning checked in at our GPs office and received meds and a shot for vomiting to treat my upchucking about every four hours. Because of the condition, I’m in (see the video below), I canceled my Team Meeting at Fresenius. I attempted to schedule a Tel-Conference to no avail. Fresenius told me they no longer are doing Tel-Conference and I would have to reschedule. Appears corporate or whoever is looking out for other than their patients in this regard.

Today my goal is to walk up and down the long hallway in our home to try to build some strength. I just took a B12 shot so maybe this will help also. Hopefully, I’ll be back in battery come Monday.