After over a week of being on reduced dwell times for my evening PD treatment, I’m very happy to report that to date, I have felt no indication that it is not working as it should. I feel good when I wake up – earlier now – and more or less put in a full day of outside activities, mostly working in our yard.

Yesterday our two “weeders” arrived as promised and made fast work out of cleaning out our last bed, the one by the single garage. They raked, blew, and took away all the debris, all of this in approaching 100-degree F heat. You got to hand it to the Hispanics in North Texas. They are more than willing to work and can stand the heat that would put a more mortal man on their knees. Out of this bed, we got approximately four 64-gallon plastic bags of stuff that they hauled off.

On another subject, for the last nine days, my morning weight has been 141.0 except for two days when it was 142.0. I suspect on those two days I forgot to do a static drain but did on the others. The point is, I have been using only 1.5% solution and my weight is hanging in there which is what we want.

I haven’t been taking ANY blood pressure medication for a couple of months and these morning readings are also right in there. My readings have ranged from 141/76 to 121/74, with the vast majority in the 120s/70s. I’d say we have a handle on this also. Likewise, my morning, fasting glucose has mostly been in the 90s and 100 to 109 after taking an evening insulin shot of 9 units so I’m very pleased with this also.

The bottom line, at least from a definitive biometric viewpoint, I am hanging in there very well. Hope my readers are also.