I have gone eleven straight nights without ANY cycler alarms. This is a new record for me. I attribute the lack of alarms to my being more in tune with keeping kinks out of my catheter tubing. I am very aware of what’s going on with it, sometimes to the point that I am losing sleep over it. But that’s the price you pay. Kinks and alarms or no kinks and no alarms. Your choice.

I am writing this post on Wednesday for posting on Thursday. As we speak we are under a flood watch from 10 AM Wednesday until Thursday evening, and a tornado watch was just implemented. Our mowers are here doing our lawn ahead of the impending storm(s). There is a good side to all the rain we have been having this spring – our neighbor just dropped off a big bag of fresh Texas-grown sweet corn from his ranch toward Houston.

Ahead of the storms I did manage to get a little yard work in. I finished cleaning up the flower bed behind the master bedroom and installed new edging around it. See the first picture below. I also got started on installing manure/compost covering over the drip irrigation lines. See the second photo below. See, life can go on despite being on dialysis.