Yesterday I alluded to mashing up a quick video of some of the yard work that my wife and I are engaged in. At this time of year in North Texas, we have to get out early or late to escape the heat. At 1:30 PM it is currently 86F with high humidity; tomorrow the high is predicted to be 92F so you get the idea. Our property is 0.5211 acres, more or less, with 15 or more flower beds. It is a handful to attempt to keep up with but we are doing just that. We have professional mowers on call, and a hit-and-miss high school lad helping us. It is still rather daunting but isn’t life itself? Keep-up is not in the cards nor is staying even but that’s what challenges are all about, right? Above all else, it makes for a very good counterbalance to the requirements of peritoneal dialysis. Here’s the short of what we have been working on: