The US Navy SEAL’s saying “The only easy day was yesterday” applies equally to those of us on dialysis. To drive this point home, take yesterday in my dialysis journey. I am scheduled to receive a monthly shipment from Fresenius of my monthly dialysis supplies this morning. It will consist of 47 sizeable boxes of dialysis fluid, cassettes, and caps. It will take up gobs of room. To prepare for this, my wife and I moved all boxes of fluid on hand to our ready service locker in the master bedroom beside where we have the dialysis machine, the Liberty Cycler, set up.

My point is, that we are seldom steady-state in dialysis. Something is always changing. Something needs to be checked. Something out of our control has changed. It is NEVER a one-and-done situation. Please read Poe’s take on the SEAL motto below. If you are on dialysis like me, it directly pertains to you and your grip on your dialysis life.

“The only easy day was yesterday” is a motto and a popular saying often associated with the United States Navy SEALs, a special operations force within the U.S. Navy. While it is not an official motto of the Navy SEALs, it reflects the mindset and the demanding nature of their training and operations.

The saying encapsulates the SEALs’ commitment to pushing their limits and constantly striving for improvement. It conveys the idea that each day brings new challenges and that the SEALs must be prepared to face them with determination and resolve. It emphasizes the importance of learning from past experiences while recognizing that the future will likely present even greater difficulties.

The Navy SEALs are renowned for their rigorous training and demanding missions, which often involve high-stakes operations in extreme conditions. Their training is designed to test candidates physically, mentally, and emotionally, pushing them to their limits and beyond. By embracing the philosophy of “The only easy day was yesterday,” SEALs maintain a mindset of continuous improvement and resilience.

This saying is not unique to the Navy SEALs and has been adopted by other military and non-military groups as well. It has become a popular motivational phrase, encouraging individuals to persevere and not become complacent in the face of challenges.

Overall, “The only easy day was yesterday” serves as a reminder to the Navy SEALs and others that success is not guaranteed, and each day requires renewed effort, dedication, and a willingness to confront the difficulties that lie ahead.

And that folks, is the mindset those of us on dialysis must daily embrace. “The only easy day was yesterday!”