For the past week or more my wife Linda has had various symptoms of COVID, “regular flu,” and a cold. Two at-home COVID tests ruled out this malady – sorta, the flu settled to a cold, and here we are. It took her over a week to make a doctor’s appointment, get in, and be treated with antibiotics, which appears to be working. How did this all affect me?

I had been trucking along doing fine – until yesterday. I woke up in the night with cold sweats and ended up on the potty with dry heaves. I had dry heaves once more, slight pain in my lower extremities, and generally felt run down. Profuse nose running of clear liquid. Ate breakfast, then a couple of hours later had dry heaves again. By evening I was back in battery. All my biometrics were good except blood pressure which Tuesday AM was 84/58 with a pulse of 102. I skipped my AM blood pressure med and my BP started back up in response.

In response to all of this, I kept in communication with my Dialysis Nurse and my wife reviewed all Fresenius-provided material on “What to do if….” While I’m not ready to jump over tall buildings – yet – it seems we’ve weathered yet another crisis in the making. Fresenius delivered my special order of 2 L manual fluid today to support my new dialysis prescription. Life living with dialysis goes on….