Our son is still in ICU recovering from his recent quadruple heart bypass. Most of the associated tubes have been removed and he is urinating on his own now; catheters have been removed. He still has to do the big BM soon but hopefully, nature will take its course. If things go as suggested by hospital staff, he should be moved to a regular care hospital room tomorrow from ICU, and possibly be released Tuesday or Wednesday.

Our son has exhibited a side I did not know he had/has. He seems anxious over the least little perturbation like his BP going up a couple of points or one of the many machines he is hooked up to beeping. Recall that he has an ICU nurse devoted full time to his care and feeding so it’s not like he is winging it all alone. I guess stress can do things to our minds and bodies that bring out another side of our personality.

Since dialysis has been known to be somewhat stressful, it would be interesting to know how dialysis patients manifest their response to stress?