Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, in the serene coastal town of Ocean Plantation, there lived a retired US Navy commander named Commander Hank Feeser. Hank had served in Vietnam’s Brown Water Navy, where he had encountered his fair share of memorable moments. But little did he know that his military experience would lead him to a whole new adventure – one involving his health and a rather amusing doctor.

After returning from Vietnam, Hank discovered that he had been exposed to Agent Orange, which unfortunately led to him developing diabetes. Determined not to let this setback define him, Hank faced his condition head-on and adapted to the challenges it presented.

Hank had a knack for finding humor in every situation, and his regular visits to his doctor, Dr. Turner, were no exception. Dr. Turner was a brilliant physician with a warm and caring demeanor. She often referred to Hank as “Functional,” which Hank found both amusing and endearing.

One day, Hank arrived at Dr. Turner’s office for his routine check-up, hooked up to his peritoneal dialysis machine. As Hank entered the examination room, Dr. Turner’s kind smile greeted him.

“Ah, Commander Functional, always ready to brighten up the day,” Dr. Turner said, with a twinkle in her eye. “Let’s see how you’re doing today.”

Hank, always ready with a witty response, replied, “Ah, Dr. Turner, the magician who keeps me in shipshape condition. How are we sailing today, Doc?”

Dr. Turner chuckled, appreciating Hank’s lightheartedness. “Well, Commander, your sense of humor certainly keeps the winds in your sails. You bring laughter to these halls.”

Hank grinned and said, “Well, Doc, laughter is my secret weapon. It helps me keep my blood sugar in line. Who needs insulin when you have jokes, right?”

During their appointments, Hank and Dr. Turner would engage in playful banter, sharing humorous stories and witty remarks. Hank would tease the doctor about her love for nautical-themed decor in the office, while Dr. Turner would playfully compare Hank’s tales of Navy adventures to tall tales. The two had developed a unique camaraderie over the years.

One day, during a routine check-up, Hank decided to surprise Dr. Turner. He walked into the examination room wearing a captain’s hat, complete with a toy periscope strapped to it. Hank saluted dramatically and said, “Permission to bring some laughter aboard, Doctor?”

Dr. Turner couldn’t help but laugh at Hank’s creative display. “Permission granted, Commander Functional. Let’s see what you have in store for me today.”

From that day forward, Hank would arrive at his appointments armed with jokes, funny props, and even a rubber chicken or two. The atmosphere in Dr. Turner’s office transformed into a sea of laughter and good cheer, as Hank’s contagious spirit touched everyone around him.

Hank’s humorous escapades at the doctor’s office became legendary in Ocean Plantation. People would schedule appointments just to witness the comedic exchanges between Commander Functioal and Dr. Turner. Hank had unwittingly turned his health journey into a delightful comedy show, raising the spirits of patients and staff alike.

In the end, Hank’s ability to find humor in even the most challenging situations not only brightened his own life but also those of everyone he encountered. He showed that laughter could be the best medicine, even when facing health issues. And as for Dr. Turner, well, she discovered that sometimes a little laughter could go a long way in healing both body and soul.

So, Commander Hank Feeser, the charismatic and hilarious retired Navy officer, continued to spread laughter and joy wherever he went, proving that a positive outlook and a good sense of humor could turn any situation into a comical adventure.

And that boys and girls, is the rest of the story and almost all true. Or at least partially so. Or it could be. Or it should be? Or you fill in the blanks!

1 Comment

  1. Barbara A. Seager

    I choose to believe the story is true! Hank takes the road to positivity and makes the most of every day. That’s why we feel privileged to know him.

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