Review of new Cycler alarms to date

I have been using the newly replaced Fresenius Liberty Cycler long enough now to be able to make meaningful comparisons to the previous, alarm-prone cycler I was stuck with for so many months.

Before we jump into any data, a few comparisons:

  1. The new cycler is much much quieter and faster. Faster how? My total time on the cycler which I log every morning has reached a low of 10 hrs 5 minutes on two occasions.
  2. While I have experienced a few alarms, I do not have to get out of bed and hit OK twice to silence them. After a warning alarm they fade into the background on their own.
  3. After alarms, it seems to take forever for the old cycler to resume drain activity. It appears to me that the new cycler picks up the pace much quicker.

Some data: For the past 12 nights I have experienced alarms on 3 of 12 nights, so 9 out of 12 or 75% of nights I have had no alarms. I have experienced 5 cyclic drain alarms out of 36 possible, for a 31/36 or 86% of cycles with no alarms.

The previous 12 nights on the old cycler 9 of 12 nights I experienced alarms, or 3/12 or 25 % I did not. During this same period, I had 17 cycle alarms out of 36 possible which maps to 19 of 36 no alarms on a cycle basis for 52%.

Now comparing data in the paragraphs above of old versus new, I had three times as many days of alarms, and 5 versus 17 alarms which is over three times as many. So it’s safe to say my new cycler is a least three times better at not throwing alarms than my old cycler. This comparison completely discredits the stand taken by Fresenius “tech support” and the faceless entity “Susan” who flagrantly blocked my receipt of a replacement for months. Shame on you!

1 Comment

  1. Barb Seager

    VERY happy for you that new cycler does its work like it’s supposed to!!!
    More quiet and more rest do much for the bod!

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