Cycler Alarms + Lab Results

Sorry to have to report that the modified methodology I am using to close the cover on the Cassette for my Fresenius Liberty Cycler IS NOT precluding alarms. Last Thursday night I have alarms on both the first and second drain cycles so it’s back to the drawing board for me.

I have constructed a table shown below of my August 2 lab results. Below the table are comments about its contents.

WhatAug 2, 2023RangeFor what
Albumin3.4=>4.0Protein in blood
nPCR0.97=>1.2Enough protein
Potassium4.63.5-5.5Heart & muscles
wKt/V1.86=> 2.0Enough dialysis
Calcium8.88.5-10Bones & muscles
Phosphorus5.33.0-5.5Bones & heart
Hemoglobin11.410-11Red blood cells
Glucose12170-160Energy for cells
Creatinine7.5LowImpacts eGFR
Lab Readings 2 August 2023

From the table above, the big three that my nephrologist keeps on top of, K, Ca, and P (Potassium, Calcium, and Phosphorus) are all within specs, a good thing. I’ll take these readings as a win.

Albumin is always low, along with nPCR. I am working on eating more red meat but that also has the downside of increasing P so I have an additional P-Binder to take with my steak.

The wKt/V reading indicates my dialysis treatment is not quite up to where it should be but higher than what would trigger action.

My glucose reading of 121 is very acceptable in that I had breakfast some one hour before the blood draw for the labs. I’ll take this reading all day every day.

Lastly, for some reason, my Creatinine reading fell almost one full point from last month. Plugging 7.5 into my eGFR app yields an eGFR of 7 for the record. All else being equal, the creatinine test is a measure of how well kidneys are performing their job of filtering waste from the blood. So from this perspective, the drop is a good thing indicating my kidneys are still trying to function. I am also still making urine but not nearly as much as when I drank lots of beer.

1 Comment

  1. Doug

    Just wondering if you have had more than one Cycler? I am on my third in about 13 months. Each has a different personality as far as alarms go

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