Woke up to trying to beat the weekly garbage pickup with my daily dialysis trash bag. I lost the race but will live to outbox them another day.

Made a run to town to buy needed items to work on our truck and garden stakes for our tomatoes and trees. On the truck I had two outstanding items: 1 I wanted to replace the under hood mat but ended up using robber glue to mend several torn and saying areas and tire black spray to improve appearance. Looks great now. The #2 item was to deep clean the engine. I sprayed ir with both Simple Green and Gunk and based it off. While it doesn’t look new, at least now, if a leak occurs, I’ll be able to tell.

Next I pounded in 8 stakes for our tomatoes and two to temporarily prop up the two olive trees that are placed for planting by our land crew tomorrow. Wind is really gusting.

Lastly, I worked on our sprinkler system. We still have several heads that are not working properly.

At this minute in time I’m hooked up doing my 2L evening static fill.

Life is good!