Yesterday, I just about did myself under working in the yard. Let me explain. Friday, I visited our go-to greenhouse and picked up our phone order for 8 flats of Zinnias and 4 flats of Marigolds. Drove these home, unloaded our X5, and reloaded it with trees for our son which I then delivered. Saturday, our hired lady arrived and planted all the flats while I worked alongside her on other jobs. Sunday I finished all plantings except for 9 trees, which are positioned for our landscaping crew to plant after mowing etc Wednesday. Thursday, our hired lady will be back to weed the last two flower beds. Meanwhile I need to buy about 17 wooden stakes to finish staking tomatoes and be ready  for the landscaping crew. Who has time for dialysis? My kt/V that we just did is 2.12 up from 1.98, so something is working!