I am authoring this blog on 01/08/2025 for posting on 01/09/2025. Today, 1/8, is my 86th birthday. It seems like yesterday I learned to ride a bike in Springfield, OH, where we lived on Mound Street for the first 17 years of my life. After that, I went off to college in Las Cruces, New Mexico, to return after a semester to Wittenburg in Springfield, which I then left after two semesters to join the US Navy, and I never looked back from there.
Today, my wife took me out for a birthday lunch at Hoffbrau, where I had a great rib-eye steak. Our family—son, wife, and stepdaughter —met us there, and they brought me presents consisting of great socks and a must-wear felt cowboy hat. Now I can be all Texan. Bought myself a small greenhouse to start plants in as a birthday gift to myself. My wife is scheduled to make my favorite dessert – lemon meringue pie. You can’t have any!
But you know what, dialysis aside, yes, I’m now officially a year older but none the worse for wear. I’m getting more steady on my feet and more assured in my stride. I’m coming back and should be in fine shape for warmer weather here when it breaks.
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