As I previously discussed in several blogs, the new cycler cassettes with shorter drain and patient lines are causing several/many patient problems. This past Friday I had my monthly scheduled labs and the subject of cassettes came up. I was informed that the clinic has received instructions to report any problems with the new cassettes especially involving peritonitis. While this is jumping to the extreme, I see it as at least someone “up there” has shown interest in problems created by the new cassettes.

The Fresenius-supported PatientHub continues to report numerous instances of patients being frustrated and quite frankly, pissed off at what Fresenius did. I have been steadily cutting and pasting these remarks to the formal complaint filing I made with Fresenius but it seems to be largely an exercise of poking your finger into a cloud. Other than the phone call from Fresenius to ascertain if I was able to complete my treatment, they have been silent. It has been noted on the PatientHub that apparently Fresenius has deployed an AI bot to respond to sincere input providing essentially the same response to all, and that is to report all problems to your clinic.

We don’t want to be too serious about life. With this thought in mind, I’ve included below a picture of our golden retriever Dickens playing with his horse ball.