As I have recently blogged about, the decision to shorten the drain and supply lines on the Liberty Cycler cassettes to 15 feet from their previous 20 feet has caused several/many patients severe problems, myself included. With their present length, I can no longer reach the toilet without further machinations.

Over several days my wife and I have discussed the situation, read more and more complaints on the Fresenius Patient Hub, reached the gut feeling that nothing locally at my clinic was being done about it, and decided I would.

This morning as a result of surfing the web I uncovered a Fresenius Action Hotline wherein patients may file complaints about problems with Fresenius care. The phone number is 800-362-6990. I called and filed an “official complaint” about the cassette change. I related that I can no longer reach the toilet, that Fresenius did not contact patients in advance of the change nor provide us with a viable alternative to the new 15-foot supply line, etc.

Remember, the squeaky wheel gets oiled. More on filing “official” complaints to follow.