Yesterday at 10 AM I visited our local CVS pharm and received my second Shingles shot. So that’s completed. Later in the afternoon I played with their APP and found that I was able to download in PDF format my vaccination records with them dating back to 2014 which I did. I then send this PDF to both my dialysis nurse and GP to bring my records up to date. BTW, I always send my GP our monthly PD lab results also to keep him up-to-date. He is, after all, an important member of my overall health team. We can forget this in our drive to achieve normalcy through dialysis.

Come Thursday I have a lab visit with my temp dialysis nurse. My regular dialysis nurse has August off due to the repair of a rupture. Let’s hope she is doing well.

And if that wasn’t enough, our stock account is down over $20,000 for the day. Enough to make you want to cry in your beer!