I have been on the reduced cycle time for three nights now. I have not experienced a great reduction in my overall time on the cycler. Previously, I had been on two hours per cycler for a total of eight hours dwell time plus fill and drain overhead meant I was spending over eleven hours per night just on the cycler. As I log off the cycler these past three nights, I’m getting times of 10-7, 10-14, and 10-33. These times are NOT the expected one-hour time reduction (15-minute cycler time reduction times four cycles equals one hour.) Seems that my cycler has a mind of its own and also its own math.

Over the weekend my wife and I bought four American Holly trees in two-gallon containers to use as a semi-privacy barrier between us and a neighbor that has a rather junked up side and back yard. Not trashy, but they live kinda inside and outside their house and it shows. On Monday I shopped around and bought all the soil amendments needed. Now I have to dig the humongous holes needed to properly plant them. More fun in the North Texas heat. (See lead graphic.)In case you wondered, we are in growing zone 8. We can expect American Holly to grow 2-4 feet per year, and grow to 20-24 feet tall with a spread of 8-10 feet. We could not tell if we got both male and female plants since there were no labels and both are needed to get the holly berries which birds really like. Time will tell.

I am in the second week of taking meticulous care of our new sod. The first week I watered it 3x per day. This week, the second, we cut back to 2x per day. It is really taking hold and looking healthy, even though we have had several days way in the 90s.

We managed to almost complete weeding the 100-foot-long flower bed in the back. While it looks somewhat bare, that’s 100% better than it looked before. We’re due for mowing Wednesday and I intend on doing a complete walkaround so I can show and articulate to those who visit here what we are working with.