Some observations about my biometrics for the last 13 days:

My weight has varied from a low of 141.6 to a high of 143,0 with the mode being 142.4 with 8 hits followed by 143.0 at 4 hits. So you can ascertain that I am staying in a very narrow pattern of weight. I am NOT on a diet, I more or less eat what I want within the constraints of being diabetic and on dialysis. I continue to work hard outside on our flower beds in which we are making progress.

During the same time frame, my blood pressure has ranged from a high of 123/74 to a low of 102/70. The actual systolic low has been 66. So once again, I am nailing it. AND I am taking NO blood pressure medications!

Lastly, my glucose has varied from a high of 109 to a low of 88 upon arising (fasting reading.) Once again, I’m nailing it. My GP and I have set the range we’d like to keep my glucose within of 50-150 and in general I’m there. On occasion, it may exceed 150, but soon drops to within range.

I have used only 1.5% solutions throughout the above timeframe for both my static fill and Cycler use. My microfiltration has ranged from 511 to 868 with an average more toward to high end.

I feel good, can work outside, and howl with the big dogs. What more could you ask for?