Since I have been on my new and latest dialysis prescription, I have been using only 1.5% solution fluids. This holds for both the 2L static treatment I employ about three hours before hooking up to the Liberty Cycler for the night, and the two 6L bags I employ during my night treatment. During the past seven days, I have noticed a developing trend, possibly, that my weight is creeping upwards. See the table below where I have provided the date, weight, and microfiltration values:
Date | Weight | Microflitration |
23 | 146.0 | 1005 |
24 | 146.0 | 1131 |
25 | 146.0 | 1107 |
26 | 146.8 | 824 |
27 | 147.2 | 694 |
28 | 147.2 | 1026 |
29 | 148.0 | 648 |
As you can ascertain, in a week my weight is up by two pounds which is not “normal” for me, and my dialysis microfiltration, while not steady, appears to be trending downward. So here’s the deal, I know from experience that if I quiz my dialysis team about this it will be suggested that I blend in some 2.5% solution. But I don’t have any number one, and number two, leg craps will certainly accrue if I start using 2.5% again. So I am on the horns of a dilemma: watch my weight creep up or toss and turn all night from leg cramps. Isn’t life wonderful on dialysis?
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