The past week I have been attempting to accomplish some heavy-duty yard work. Here in North Texas where we live, Spring can be short and before you turn around we’re in for suffering heat, as high as 112 F or so. So we have a rather narrow window to get our yards in order before Satan’s Inferno hits.

Tuesday I worked on a bed, we have on the order of 15 flower beds on our 0.52-acre homestead, which is in full sun and borders the side of our main garage. It is mostly clay but grows weeds well. I installed a border around it, made a brick runoff for the drain spout, and augered holes for 12 tomato plants. At this point, I ran out of git up and go. See the lead picture.

In normal times, I would have done this without breaking a sweat. But with my PD-associated low blood pressure, I’m a different person. I have to frequently stop for a breath, and break up any work into chunks. Upon arising Tuesday my blood pressure was 111/74. When I took it before lunch it was 90/57. I have ascertained that once my diastolic drops below 60, I start to feel bummer. Get light-headed and cannot work. Have to sit down. After I rest for five minutes or so I generally can have another go at it.

So here’s the deal. Is this due to dialysis, or is it because I am, after all, 85? I like to think it is dialysis-related. And no, I’m using only 1.5% dialysis solution. And yes, I have worked more salt into my diet. And still, I am experiencing blood pressure readings toward the lower safe boundary.