I had a lab with my dialysis nurse on Monday and a visit to my Podiatrist on Tuesday. First to my labs.

I am thrilled with the way Fresenius does labs. I go into their local hub one day, and the following day, often first thing in the morning, summary results are available via their PatientHub. It works slick if you are up on their phone app. My Potassium, Calcium, and Phosphorus were all within limits which I’ll take to the bank. My glucose was high but I had breakfast before going to the lab so I was not fasting.

My dialysis nurse and I discussed what my kidney doctor might prescribe in response to my Transport flipping from high to low. While we can’t second guess her, it was speculated that she might keep my fluids the same, 13,500 mL total, reduce dwells from 5 to 4, and increase dwell time from one hour 30 minutes to two hours. We have a team meeting scheduled for next week so I’ll find out soon her new prescription.

Regarding the Podiatrist visit: I see my podiatrist once every three months where he trims my toenails, inspects my feet and ankles, and an assistant polishes my nails with a grinder. This is all covered by Medicare and is part of taking care of my feet due to diabetes. My dialysis nurse also checks my feet monthly including between my toes etc. so I’m taken well care of in this area.

Yesterday was my Brother-In-Law Jerry’s 84 birthday. They hosted a pizza party for him in Mulberry, Indiana. Keep in mind Jerry, that no matter how old you become, I’ll always be your elder! The lead gra[phic is the closest I could come for a custom congrats to you via Ai.