Monday I was informed that my dialysis team wanted to conduct a PET (Peritoneal Equilibration Test) to best determine what my current optimum dialysis prescription is. (See link for more info on PET. The first part of the test required me to conduct a manual introduction of 2000 ml of 2.5 % dialysis fluid Monday night which was to be left in my stomach overnight, followed by a visit to the Fresenisus clinic Tuesday morning for three more manual drains and fills, interspersed with a blood draw and siphoning off of 200 ml of expelled dialysis fluids for lab tests. I should know the results later on in the week depending on how Christmas affects lab schedules.
Since a patient on PD is not often required to do a manual process (we were taught how in our training sessions) a refresher was needed. I found the following video which is included to help those who may be in the same situation as I found myself in. The video spells out in detail every step and precaution involved.
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