I have received numerous questions about this blog such as “Are people reading it?” etc. and a few about the nuts and bolts of running a blog such as this one. First to the nuts and bolts:
As I write this entry on 11/3/2023, I am running version 6.3.4 of WordPress as a Content Management System. It is an Open Source software that is literally in use by millions of users across the globe. First released on May 27, 2003, the soon-to-be-released version 6.4 (due out 11/7/2023) will be the 48th release. It is an absolutely solid piece of work with which I had had zero, nada, zip issues. It just works.
It costs $32.95 per year to register the domain name feeser.me. I am hosting the site on Dreamhost.com and they provide the resources for WordPress as part of the hosting. I signed up for two-year hosting at something like $99.00.
One of the strongest features of WordPress is since it is open software, there have been literally hundreds of plugins developed by independent developers for it. These include themes, SEO, search, table, and other enhancements. I am running the 23 theme and may try out the new 24 theme when it is released on 11/7/23. I am running a Search Engine Optimization program that provides me insights into who is visiting the site, what they read, for how long, where they came from, and so on. In the following screenshots with comments, I’ll share a small portion of these analytics.

The above screenshot suggests that as of 11/3/2023 there have been 6,576 pages viewed by 1,710 visitors of which 1,635 were unique. This is for a blog that has been up since 1/5/2023 with over 200 entries.

The next screenshot above provides data on the last 30 days during which there were 537 page views by 152 visitors of which 140 were first timers and overall visitors looked at 3.47 pages per visit. The graph further indicates page views on a given date which is indicative of interest in a given subject.

This screenshot depicts the geographical distribution of people are located that are visiting the blog. On the right side is a listing of the most recent visitors, from the United States, Canada, China, Columbia, Singapore, and Israel.

The screenshot above is of that portion of the WordPress analytics that provides a more precise location of visitors by IP address, and physical location of the IP address as you can ascertain.

The last screenshot above provides further analytics on the specifics of the blog entries that visitors landed on.
The above is but a taste of the information that is available to me and others posting their blogs using WordPress. Big Brother is watching!
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