Couple More Dialysis Bits and Bobs

After not hearing from the Fort Worth General Surgeon’s office that is supposed to be scheduling me for a look-see at my catheter, I called them this morning. I was informed that indeed I was on their schedule for surgery by Dr. Tan at 1130 hours on 10/04/2023. Recall that this is in connection with the plethora of slow drain issues I have been experiencing from the get-go with the Fresenius Liberty Cycler. Obviously Dr. Tan is a very busy surgeon scheduling me as far out as his office did. Luckily, I am not in extremus.

A while back I posted a video walk-around of the storage areas in our home which house my Peritoneal Dialysis supplies. Today we had our monthly delivery by Fresenius and I thought it would be of interest to view what our storge looks like “full up.” By full up I mean we have stored a month’s supply plus a could of weeks which is what is recommended. The video won’t win any Pulitzer Prizes but here it is:

1 Comment

  1. Barb Seager

    organizational skills = 100 A+ πŸ™‚

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