As I write Friday’s blog it is approaching noon on Thursday and no replacement cycler has arrived nor have we been contacted by anyone from Fresenius. However, I did manage to achieve other housekeeping chores.
We have been trying to move a brokerage account to our main Schwab account with difficulty. Lots of t’s to cross etc. This morning I journeyed to UPS to send a copy of the monthly statement from the account we desire to close to a Schwab rep to process.
The second gate was the delivery of our golf cart. We bought a refurbed 2019 Club Car to putt around Pecan Plantation. Upon testing on our dead-end street, it crapped out and was trailed back to the dealer. Troubleshooting found that a main electrical connection between the battery and generator had battery acid on it and the interior wire had corroded and opened. This prevented charging the battery and supplying power while the engine attempted to run. The wire was replaced as was the battery. We did another test run with good results.
Yesterday was the supply order date for me to order supplies from Fresenius which I did. We will be in Indiana on vacation on the scheduled delivery date at the end of September so I called support and worked with them for an alternative date. We came up with delivery the first week in October so that’s taken care of.
I also made a call to Fresenius customer service to inquire about cassettes with shorter hookup lines. I had previously read that you could order one with a 10-foot instead of a 20-foot catheter line. My thinking is maybe this will help alleviate the drain alarms I have been plagued with for almost a year. I was informed that the cassette with the 10-foot catheter line only comes with a 10-foot drain line which won’t work for me; I need a 20-foot drain line to reach our master bath shower drain. I was also informed that to receive such a cassette my “prescription” had to be altered by my Dialysis Nurse. I could not just order one on my own. The shorter cassettes do not show up in the Fresenius Patient Portal FYI.
In closing, nada concerning the new cycler delivery supposedly scheduled for today.
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