Recently I provided a timeline of my progression from not being on dialysis through all the wickets that lead to my present state of being on Peritoneal Dialysis. I reviewed my log books, and now have more eGFR data over time to share. I put the data into a text file and then imported it into Excel where first converted it, then sorted it, then I made a line graph out of the data. The data fit very closely to a straight line with a negative slope.

For reference, In 2006 my eGFR was 59. The chart data picks up from 2016 to July 2022 when it was 7 and I rang the bell for Dialysis. The actual sorted data is to the right in the graphic. Because I can, I also fitted a straight line to the endpoints of the data and the resulting equation is at the bottom of the graphic. My intent is to provide a reference for those interested in questions like “How long does it take for your kidneys to fail?,” or “How long before I might have to go on dialysis?”