As luck would have it, sometimes modern electronics fail us. Recently the sensor for my Libre 3 Continuous Glucose Monitor began provoking false low glucose readings, which resulted in alarms. I’m talking about indicating that my Glucose was in the fifties. If this were so, I would be shakey, probably in a cold sweat, and noticeably irritable; I was none of these. As a diagnosed diabetic of thirty-plus years, I KNOW what it feels like to be hypoglycemic. Not so here.

I put up with this crap for about six days before changing to a new sensor, and the problem disappeared. This is the first sensor in about a year’s experience in using Libre 2/3 products that I have had any problems with.

Since I am paying out-of-pocket for the sensors, I decided to give it a go by contacting Freestyle Product Support. I did a Google and arrived at a support page to fill out a couple of inputs for support. The inputs forced the user to input or choose a selection where the sensor in question was throwing an error code. My errant sensor was not throwing any error codes, erroneously reporting low glucose. So I was forced to phone their support line. For the record, the number is 855-632-8658.

After setting up an account and providing info from the Libre 3 app, I was informed that Freestyle would replace the malfunctioning sensor and provide me with a return package to return the bad sensor to them for analysis.

The whole cycle took half an hour but look at it as if I saved the $100 or the replacement cost. BTW, the order for replacement Libre 3s that my GP placed with CVS (for my international readers, CVS is one of the largest US drug store chains) is still listed on my CVS App as “Processing. We’re working on your order.” Which raised another question: Why can my Brother-in-law Jerry walk into a CVS in Podunk, Indiana, and pick up Libre 3s, but here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, they have to “work on it?”

To keep things interesting, I took the raw text from above and shoved it into’s video maker portion of the apps. The result for your viewing pleasure (and should be awe) is embedded below. All I provided is the test; AI found and selected all the clips, voice, etc. This technology is absolutely awesome!