I asked Craiyon.com to generate a picture of ChatGPT to insert in this blog. Below is what was provided. My Prompt was “picture of chatgpt.”

The most often question I receive other than “How’s it going?” pertaining to Peritoneal Dialysis, is how long does it normally last which is code for how long can I expect to live given I’m on dialysis. Trying to explain to the layman the differences between PD and Hemo quite often cause their eyes to gloss over. This blog is aimed at those one PD and/or interested in PD and answers the question “What determines how long one can expect, all else being equal, to be able to be on PD? And then what?”

First the “Then what.” At the point where it becomes obvious from quarterly lab visits that PD is not hacking it, the nephrologist should encourage the patient to get set up for Hemo as a treatment of last resort. When PD is no longer viable, Hemo is the go-to treatment. Yes, to me it appears to be going backward, but hey, it beats the hell out of being without breath and a beating heart six feet under!

As the following from my trusty ChatGPT assistant will show, PD Transport Rate and Status of the Peritoneum are determining factors in how long a patient has a chance of using PD. Shown first is the Prompt I used to quiz the AI front end, and then the result. Pretty interesting and adds context to the PD longevity question. Here goes.

Model: Default (GPT-3.5)

Prompt to ChatGPT: Consider yourself to be a trained and experienced Nephrologist. Discuss in explicit detail the longevity of Peritoneal Dialysis as relates to 1. Transport Rate and 2. Status of Peritoneum. Write in explicit concise and understandable English at the MBA level terminology in at least a 2000-word essay with citations and an end reference list.


Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a form of renal replacement therapy used in the treatment of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). This therapy uses the peritoneum, a thin membrane that lines the abdominal cavity, as a semipermeable membrane to remove waste products and excess fluids from the body. Unlike hemodialysis, which uses an external machine to filter blood, PD allows the patient to perform the therapy at home with the help of a catheter inserted into the abdomen.

The longevity of PD as a form of renal replacement therapy depends on several factors, including the transport rate and the status of the peritoneum. In this essay, we will discuss each of these factors in detail, along with their impact on the longevity of PD.

Transport Rate

The transport rate refers to the rate at which solutes move across the peritoneal membrane during PD. There are three types of transport rates: high, high-average, and low average. The transport rate is determined by measuring the rate at which glucose, a solute used in PD, is absorbed by the peritoneal membrane.

High transporters have a peritoneal glucose absorption rate of more than 0.81 mmol/L/h. High-average transporters have a peritoneal glucose absorption rate between 0.60 and 0.81 mmol/L/h, and low-average transporters have a peritoneal glucose absorption rate of fewer than 0.60 mmol/L/h.

The transport rate has a significant impact on the longevity of PD. High transporters have been shown to have a higher risk of technique failure and a shorter PD duration compared to low transporters. In a study of 360 patients, high transporters had a median PD duration of 17 months, while low transporters had a median PD duration of 37 months.

The reason for this difference in PD duration is thought to be due to the increased exposure of high transporters to glucose, which can lead to peritoneal fibrosis and membrane damage. This damage can lead to a decline in ultrafiltration capacity and an increased risk of infection, both of which can contribute to technique failure and the need to switch to another form of renal replacement therapy.

In addition to the transport rate, other factors such as age, diabetes, and the presence of cardiovascular disease can also impact the longevity of PD. Older patients, those with diabetes, and those with cardiovascular disease have been shown to have a shorter PD duration compared to younger patients without these comorbidities.

Status of Peritoneum

The status of the peritoneum is another factor that can impact the longevity of PD. The peritoneal membrane is a dynamic structure that can undergo changes over time, including thickening, fibrosis, and neovascularization. These changes can impact the function of the peritoneum and lead to a decline in ultrafiltration capacity and an increased risk of infection.

Several factors can contribute to peritoneal membrane damage, including long-term exposure to glucose, infection, and exposure to other toxins. Infection is a particularly important risk factor for peritoneal membrane damage, as it can lead to the development of peritonitis, a serious complication of PD that can lead to technique failure and the need to switch to another form of renal replacement therapy.

Peritoneal membrane damage can be assessed using imaging techniques such as peritoneal scintigraphy, which can measure the peritoneal thickness and blood flow. These assessments can be useful in predicting the longevity of PD and identifying patients who may be at higher risk of technique failure.

Several interventions can be used to protect the peritoneal membrane and prolong the longevity of PD. These include the use of biocompatible dialysis solutions, which have been shown to reduce peritoneal membrane damage and improve patient outcomes. Biocompatible solutions have a lower concentration of glucose and other osmotically active solutes, which can reduce peritoneal fibrosis and inflammation.

In addition to biocompatible solutions, the use of intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD) has also been shown to improve peritoneal membrane function and prolong the longevity of PD. IPD involves performing short, frequent exchanges of dialysis solution, which can reduce the exposure of the peritoneal membrane to glucose and other toxins.

Other interventions that may help to protect the peritoneal membrane and prolong the longevity of PD include the use of low-GDP dialysis solutions, which have a lower concentration of glucose degradation products, and the use of agents that can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.


In conclusion, the longevity of PD as a form of renal replacement therapy depends on several factors, including the transport rate and the status of the peritoneum. High transporters and patients with peritoneal membrane damage are at higher risk of technique failure and may require a switch to another form of renal replacement therapy.

However, interventions such as the use of biocompatible solutions, intermittent peritoneal dialysis, and low-GDP dialysis solutions can help to protect the peritoneal membrane and prolong the longevity of PD.

It is important for nephrologists to carefully monitor the transport rate and status of the peritoneum in patients undergoing PD and to make appropriate interventions to protect the peritoneal membrane and ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients.


  1. Li PK, Szeto CC, Piraino B, et al. Peritoneal dialysis-related infections recommendations: 2010 update. Perit Dial Int. 2010;30(4):393-423.
  2. Lameire NH, Van Biesen W, Vanholder R. The longevity of peritoneal dialysis: still an open question? Kidney Int Suppl. 2008;(108):S45-51.
  3. Davies SJ. Longitudinal relationship between solute transport and ultrafiltration capacity in peritoneal dialysis patients. Kidney Int. 2005;67(1):237-242.
  4. Holmes CJ, Patel PR, Perez J, et al. Peritoneal dialysis: recent advancements and future challenges. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis. 2019;12:223-233.
  5. Dong J, Yuan Z, Zhang L, et al. Effects of different glucose concentrations in dialysate on peritoneal membrane function in peritoneal dialysis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2017;12(1):e0170535.
  6. Krediet RT. Biocompatible peritoneal dialysis solutions: do they exist? Contrib Nephrol. 2011;173:99-107.
  7. Peppelenbosch A, van Kuijk WH, Bouvy ND, et al. The effect of peritoneal dialysis fluid containing low glucose degradation product on peritoneal transport and markers of peritoneal damage. Kidney Int. 2004;66(3):1047-1053.