Phone Call from Fresenius Corporate?

Yesterday afternoon at 1:34 PM CDT, I received a call from a 781-699-5405 number. Area code maps to Boston. A Google search on the number resulted in Fresenius numbers. Their corporate office in Waltham, MA, is 781-699-9000. The female voice on the other end of the call inquired about the “dialysis problems” I was having, and the thrust of her call seemed to be whether I could complete my nightly dialysis treatment. I attempted to fill her in on what has been happening, and her response was had I discussed the matter with my dialysis nurse?

This is insulting! I assured her I had discussed the matter with my entire team and anyone else who would stand still long enough for me to relate, including our Golden Retriever Dickens. She was disinterested in anything else, which was obvious when I attempted to explain my interfaces with tech support. All the call managed to do was piss me off!

How did someone from Corporate know that I have been having severe problems with drains on their Liberty Cycler – and I’m NOT the only one! While I have blogged about it, anyone with a slight amount of brain cells from reading the blog would know the full history of my drain problems. If corporate had troubled themselves to reach out to my local Fresenius facility (if they can find me, they could find them), they would have received an in-depth briefing. I have exchanged emails with corporate about the new cycler, and believe I included my contact info therein. Perhaps this is the source of the phone call?

Whatever it is, a phone call out of the blue from corporate that even hinted I have not been in close contact with my local Fresenius Dialysis Team on this, and ANY aspect of my treatment is an insult to both the people who support my treatment and me. I’m so close to the team, that they even know the color of the skivvies I wear.

1 Comment

  1. Jerry Seager

    AH!! So you have taken on Corporate. Go man go. All the power to you. You know how I feel. Jerry

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