Going into this Friday’s Fresenius Dialysis Team Meeting starring me, last Monday I provided my Dialysis Nurse and Dietician the correspondence below in the form of an email. It, as you can see for yourself, provided specifics of what I anticipated, as a minimum be covered. Tomorrow’s blog will provide a synopsis of the results. My bottom line herein is that you have a responsibility to be an active participant in your care. Who can care better for you than yourself?

Discussion Points for 3/10/2023 Henry Feeser Dialysis Team Meeting

  1. Get on the kidney transplant list ASAP per discussion last week
  • Discuss Cognitive Decline & Dialysis:
    • Dietary Aspects – Specific areas to improve?
    • Testing – What does Fresenius do/support?
    • What be on the watch for? You? Me? Spouse?
    • Laxative Use – Linked to dementia risk?
    • Test for B12 – Complete Blood Count (CBC)? Am not aware of any testing to insure my adequacy?
    • Vitamin Supplements/Dietary Modifications to combat?
  • 3/1/2023 Lab Results Discussion:
    • Albumin was 3.4 and declined. 4.0 or higher. What do about it?
    • nPCR 1.2 or higher. (normalized Protein Catabolic Rate) Less than 0.8 equates to malnutrition but I am gaining weight and good appetite. BMI is just under 24.
    • wKr/V 1.95 goal 2.0 or higher (getting enough dialysis to adequately clean my blood) w=weekly?, K=clearance liters/minute, t=time duration of treatment, V=volume-amount of body fluid liters
    • Calcium 8.3 goal 8.5 to 10. Down from Feb reading. Increase Meds per our previous discussions?
    • Creatinine bouncing around low sixes which maps to an eGFR of 8. Recent VA/LabCorp was 9
  • Bottom Line: How am I doin’???? Active Management – I own IT!!!!