When it comes to dialysis, it’s not just about the physical aspects of the treatment. Mental health and social well-being are also crucial, and incorporating social fitness and mindfulness practices can greatly improve the quality of life for those on dialysis. Dialysis is a lifesaving treatment for those with kidney failure, but it can also be a challenging experience both physically, mentally, and socially.


Social Fitness

Social fitness involves engaging in physical activities with others, which not only promotes physical health but also helps build meaningful connections. For dialysis patients, social fitness can be challenging due to the restrictions of their treatment schedule and physical limitations. However, there are still ways to incorporate social fitness into their routine, such as joining a walking group or participating in chair exercises with other patients during treatment. These activities not only provide physical benefits but also create a sense of community and support.

One example of a social fitness program for dialysis patients is the Kidney Health Initiative’s “Fit for Dialysis” program. This program provides exercise videos and resources for patients to engage in physical activity during their treatment sessions. By participating in these activities, patients not only improve their physical health but also reduce feelings of isolation and improve their overall well-being.


Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment. For dialysis patients, mindfulness can help reduce stress and anxiety associated with treatment. Mindfulness can involve simple practices such as deep breathing exercises or meditation. Additionally, some dialysis centers offer mindfulness-based stress reduction programs that teach patients techniques to manage their emotions and improve their mental well-being.

One study published in the Clinical Kidney Journal showed that a mindfulness-based stress reduction program improved the mental well-being of dialysis patients. The program included breathing exercises, body scans, and mindfulness meditation. After participating in the program, patients reported lower levels of anxiety, depression, and stress.


Dialysis can be a challenging experience for patients, both physically and mentally. Patients may experience physical discomfort or pain during treatment, which can lead to feelings of anxiety or stress. Additionally, the strict treatment schedule and dietary restrictions can be isolating and difficult to manage.

Incorporating social fitness and mindfulness practices can greatly improve the overall quality of life for dialysis patients. By engaging in physical activities with others and practicing mindfulness techniques, patients can not only improve their physical health but also reduce stress and anxiety associated with treatment.


Social fitness and mindfulness practices are crucial for maintaining the mental and physical well-being of dialysis patients. By incorporating these practices into their routine, patients can improve their quality of life and create a sense of community and support. It’s important for healthcare providers to recognize the importance of social fitness and mindfulness and offer resources for patients to incorporate these practices into their treatment plans. To date, my Fresenius Team has not broached this subject matter with me at all. As research continues to show the benefits of these practices, it’s important to continue to explore new ways to support the mental and physical well-being of dialysis patients. Writing this blog is one outlet for me. Hank