Thank God it’s over!

Yesterday was a day for the record, being on Dialysis aside. Started off with the last drain cycle hanging up and refusing to proceed. Instead, just kept beeping its slow drain message at me. I was pressed for time because I had a cardiologist appointment that I had to make. I ended up physically cutting the cycler line off just past the blue “Y” and draining the contents of my stomach into the bathroom sink as if I were doing a manual drain. At first, it drained rather slowly but soon picked up and I felt confident that a good drain resulted. I informed my team nurse of this and we decided “to watch it.” This morning and last night for that matter all went well – no alarms so whatever was going on, went away.

In conjunction with the aforementioned, received a phone call from the Fresenius driver that my monthly supply allotment was to be delivered shortly. And, being Wednesday, it was time to resupply our Ready Service Locker. Luckily for me, my wife did this, and also took care of the restocking of the resupply from Fresenius.

Off to the cardiologist where I received a good diagnosis on the state of my heart. In July 2015 I had a triple bypass, so keeping up with visits to the cardiologist for me is mandatory. Got “see you in eight months” which is always good to hear.

Next off to Fresenius in Granbury to pick up an extensive VA (Veteran’s Administration) for documenting my dialysis journey. I am in the midst of applying to the VA to increase my VA disability due to CKF from 80% to 100% and this form is part of that application. This has been a work in process since December 2022. With this voluminous folder in hand, headed home via an Auto Safety Check Station to have the yearly required Texas State Safety Check performed on our BMW X5. This is a $7.00 fee required exercise prior to registration renewal for all Texas-registered vehicles. Took only a couple of minutes and finally headed home.

Once back home had lunch, and started scanning the VA documents into PDFs then merged about 50 odd pages of my nephrologist notes, etc into a single PDF file, wrote a cover letter, and forwarded via the internet the package to the VA’s Private Medical Record facility and also to Was able to pet our golden Dickens for a couple of minutes, then off to recycling with the X5 where I recycled two weeks’ worth of cardboard from dialysis boxes and containers. Finally, back home, where I dined on delicious chicken fried rice my wife whooped up.

Needless to say, I slept well and thank God, the Dialysis Cycler cooperated and I had no alarms waking me up every two hours. There is a God!