In April 2022, Fresenius announced FDA approval of replacing the Liberty Cycler PD machine with the VersiPD. This blog addresses aspects of this new Cycler PD machine. I gleaned most of the included information from the VersiPD Operation Manual linked in the PDF below:

->To start with, it is much smaller than the current Liberty Cycler and weighs only 12 pounds compared to 30 or so for the Liberty.

It does not have a heating tray on top, but instead a heating bag that comes with the new cassette package and slips in a notch around the front and sides which are evident in the picture.

->The power consumption listed at 700VA (VA is the same as watts) is close to the Liberty also.

->It is controlled by enhanced firmware that is much more sensitive to drain challenges that have plagued the Liberty Cycler, is quieter, and is more customizable to a patient’s needs.

->It also uses a USB thumb drive to input a patient’s prescription, as does the Liberty, and employs a cellphone interface likewise.

->The cassette is completely revised (See last picture). More picture details are provided below.

->As you can see in the photo below of the bottom of the VersiPD, it also contains a battery. The purpose of the battery is undetermined. What is known is that it has to be replaced every two years by Fresenius personnel per the VersiPD manual.

->Not required by the Liberty Cycler is the new VersiPD must be within +/- 19 inches of the patient’s bed level.

In the picture above (from the VersiPD manual) you can clearly see the warming pouch provided with the revised cassette package. At the right you can see the different cassette configurations currently available.

I called and sent an email to the Fresenius Corporate PR Office requesting information on rollout timing, but in three days have yet to hear back. They don’t know either.

They don’t know either.